Wrestle Match

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"You mean don't do... this?" I let my fingers wrap around more strands and tug.

Alex lets out a loud groan and bucks his hips into mine.

"Ye-s! Yes, be gentle. I'm obviously sensitive." The sass that I've grown to be oh-so-familiar with, has decided to show up.

Being on this trip with him made me realize just how annoying someone can get before you can go berserk. Sometimes, I just can't get him to shut up. Especially when we've just fought.

I had expected him to be the 'cold shoulder' type based on how he reacted when we first met, but he just talks your ear off until you want to forgive him so he'll shut up.

But maybe this time, I can use it to my advantage.

"Is that so? Well we wouldn't want you to make any embarrassing noises, now would we?" I taunt him while twirling a piece of hair around my finger.

I let a small smirk make its way to my face, just like he did moments ago.

Where has all this courage come from?

He grits his teeth and I see his jaw flex.

"What happened to the confident guy that was here a minute ago? All I see is this little boy." I tug on his hair again, just softer and more as a way to get his attention.

"Trust me. Nothing about me is little."

He continues to stare into my eyes and I can't help but want to look down. The temptation is strong and I can feel my inner voices arguing about what to do. He didn't seem to be making any moves, so I think I'm fine with taking my time.

Maybe I should test his theory? Just to see if he's over exaggerating or something.

I turn onto my back and untangle my fingers from his hair. I let it drop slowly down his body. My hand caresses his face, then moves down to his neck. When I get to the base, I give a slight squeeze and I see his eyes narrow. I give him an innocent look and continue my journey.

I get to his chest and break my eyes away from his to take in the sight. I've seen it before but it's a sight to behold, so my eyes greedily take in the view of his toned chest.

I notice his nipples are hard and I decide to test something. I give one pec and little pinch and I watch his face for a reaction.

"You're going to have to go a little harder to have an effect on me, babe."

I ignore his little pet name and decide to give him what he wants.

I pinch harder and his lip is brought in between his teeth. He bites down on it and I can't help but want to do the same.

I bring my other hand up and use my thumb to gently pry the lip from his teeth. I lean towards his face and begin to kiss his jaw.

I can tell he's tense, despite all his talk. His jaw is rigid and I don't think he's breathing anymore.

I lean closer and kiss my way up to his ear, the same way he did to me.

"Is this okay?" I try to keep my voice even because while I'm trying to keep a cool exterior, my brain is going a thousand miles an hour. The last thing I want to do is make Alex nervous because I'm nervous.

He nods his head and climbs over me. He places one hand on my waist and the other supports his weight next to my head.

He seems so natural at this, I can't help but wonder if he's done this before. I mean, surely this isn't his first time, but this seems like muscle memory.

His face hovers above mine and we stare into each other's eyes. This is the only moment I feel I will be able to think of anything else. Not that I want to.

But do I want to do this? For heaven's sake, I'm getting married.

To a man whom I do not love. Nor I know.

Let me forget him. His handsome face and terrible attitude. Alex is with me now, not Bill.

"What are you thinking about?" Alex's voice brings me out of my thoughts.

I can only think of one answer.


Alex smiles and leans down to fill the void that was, only a minute ago, separating us.

His lips envelop mine and I don't expect the rough texture. He uses his lips to caress mine and I can't help but sigh contently. He uses his hand to guide my head so our mouths mash together in perfect unison.

I bring his bottom lip into my mouth and bite down, just hard enough to emit a sound from him.

His bare hips crash into my barely clothed ones and I let out a yelp, not expecting the harsh feeling.

"Look at me," Alex struggles to get out.

"What?" I break away long enough to say before going back to making out.

"I said," Alex pulls back for real this time and I have a moment to catch my breath.

"Look at me."

I open my eyes and stare at his face. I raise a brow and urge him to continue talking.

"I'm looking at you—"

"No. I mean look at me." His head nods downwards and I had forgotten what my original mission was.

I use my fingers to trace my eyesight as it trails down his chest again. They make their way to his happy trail and I almost swoon.

His dick is vertical to the floor currently, and it's adorning an angry-red color. The veins on either side are pulsing and I trace them with my pointer finger. I feel Alex shudder as I do so.

He has a small and trimmed amount of hair at the base, and I try to avoid staring at everything to not boost his ego any more.

"It's alright." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

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