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A couple days after I got situated with the guard, everyone was worried and scrambling around to clean things. That night we had gotten a letter saying Prince Bill was going to be a couple days late. He apologized for an inconvenience and said he needed everything to be perfect when he got back.

I was surprised he sounded sincere and wondered of it was really him sending the letters.

I talked to Miss Wendy about the situation and she told me not to be worried, and that this situation had happened many times before.

I tried not to show my shock. Because we are royalty, it's important on how you show yourself to the public, because you never know who you might tick off.

But, I guess the rules are different when your the Demon Prince.


While the maids were busy cleaning and recleaning the whole castle, I decided to go outside and explore a bit more.

The Demon Kingdom is blessed with thick forests and dark, rich soil. As a result, they are the biggest vegetation seller in the world, I think. It's hard to understand when Miss Wendy or the maids talk about some world event and I have no idea what they're talking about.

I've began to turn to my guard, Alex to keep me updated about all of the latest news.

While I wander with my personal guard, a messenger comes to the castle to relay news about the Prince.

When we see his carriage pull up, Alex and I start booking it back to the castle to figure out what was happening.

We burst through the doors just in time to hear the news.

The Prince is on his way.

After the initial shock, I emediately started making plans on how to greet him. Because I was too nervous, I was in my room, and I practiced on Alex.

"What about 'Hello sire, how was the trip'?" I did a little bow to show how formal it was.

Alexander shook his head.

"This isn't the first time you've met, right? Just be natural. And try to be less awkward."

Although his face didn't change, I could feel him smirking on the inside.

"Not as easy as it looks..." I mumbled.

I had practiced a little bit more before I dismissed Alex and nervously read until the prince pulled up.

It was only when Miss Wendy came and knocked on my door, was when I realized he was here. From this moment on, I would be engaged and eventually married to the Demon Prince.

I sucked in a breath and hurried down the stairs to greet him. I stood next to Wendy and she gave me a small smile. I didn't return it. I was too nervous.

I saw the door knob turn and I felt myself tighten.

When he stepped through the door I lost all air in my lungs. He was more beautiful than I remember.

Actually, I don't remember him being that attractive at all. I was confused on what my brain was telling me.

Has my standards lowered while i was here? Maybe I've hit my head a little harder than I originally thought.

He had a slight frown on his face, but lifted once he saw Wendy. They hugged and I began to feel jealous. I grit my teeth a showed a smile.

I gave a small bow and recited what I had prepared to say.

"Welcome home, Prince Bill. Hope your trip went well?"

The prince's smile turned into his signature smirk and he tilted his head a bit.

"Yes, it was quite lovely, but I got held up on some deals I could not pass up. But I did miss it here." He looked down to Miss Wendy in his arms, then looked back up at me.

He almost seemed angry. But not the regular kind you get from breaking your favorite pencil or hearing about a rumor started about you. This one was rage. But the moment he locked eyes with Miss Wendy, all of it went away. Even if he was just covering his feelings up, it went away the second Miss Wendy was in his arms.

This time, my jealously was a bit more obvious.

"Well, just let me know if I can do anything for you." And with that, I turned on my heels and walked back up the stairs, hoping I could just take a long overdue nap.

But what met me at my door wasn't a comfort in sheets. It was something better.

"Mabel! When did you get here and why wasn't I told?!"

She giggles and gives me a hug.

"I wanted to surprise you! Plus, I wanted to see how you were adjusting to... everything." I could tell what she meant by everything.

"Let's talk in my room." I nod to Alexander standing behind me. The movent causes Mabel to tilt her head to the side to get a look at him.

She made eyes at me as we walked in my bedroom. Once I closed the door I heard Mabel starting to talk.

"Sooo... Who's the hottie with a body?" She raised her eyebrows up and down and I rolled my eyes.

"Just Bill saying that I was practically 'acident prone' and that I needed a personal guard." I could tell she wasn't amused, she dropped the subject.

"What about Bill? Have any romantic exchanges yet?" She gives me a hopeful smile.

Deciding I wanted to stop talking about myself, I change the subject one more time.

"Enough about me! What about you and Pacifica?"

She looks at the ground with a bashful face. I can tell she's happy. And that makes me happy.

"We're doing great. She's adjusted well to our kingdom and I can tell she's going to be a great queen."

"So are you, Mabel. I can't wait to see your coronation."

"As do I, Dipper Pines. I hope to see you very soon," she leaned into my ear. "and maybe this time, you visit us."

She gave me a wink and walked out the door.

When she was in the hall, she gestured to Alex and made a provacative face. She made sure he saw, too. But she kept her eyes locked with mine.

When she turned the corner and was out of hearing range, Alex turned around and gave me a grin. Then he laughed.

I was flabbergasted as I had never heard him laugh. (Although I've only known him for a few days).

I shit the door in embarrassment and cursed my sister for ever visiting me.

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