New Friend

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When I woke up, I could only see blinding brightness. And I couldn't hear anything. When my eyes finally focused, I looked to my left to see a man standing there in a white coat.

I could see his mouth moving, but no sound came out. I could only stare. He noticed something was off so he grabbed his flashlight and shined it in my eyes. Then he moved onto my ears.

He then backed up and mouthed 'can you hear me?'. I shook my head and he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote down something, handed it to me, then walked out. It read;

Don't worry Mr. Pines, you are fine. When you fell you just hit your head without realizing and it knocked you out. Your hearing will come back as that is just a temporary side effect. Someone has been waiting for you here, so I'm going to go get them.

After reading the note, I had high hopes it would be Bill. Maybe when he got home he heard about my fall and came to see if I was okay. But now that I think about it, that's really embarrassing. And I can't tell anyone how I fell. I'll just make up a lie.

"Oh! Dipper! Your okay. I was worried when I heard you fell from your balcony. What happened?" Wendy looked actually worried for me.

I glanced at the doctor to let him know I could hear again, then I started my lie.

"Well, in my kingdom, we have this... Special dance that we have to do every morning. And you have to climb onto the tallest thing you can find. I tried it on the bed but it wasn't tall enough. Then I saw the railing on the balcony and it was perfect. I lost my balance and fell. Sorry to cause you trouble."

Wendy looked spectacle, but I could see her eyes soften and her gaze went down my hands fondling with the sheet. She sighed and threw her arms around me.

"Well I'm just glad your safe."


After the doctor did some more tests, I was free to go. Wendy had to go back early to something, so I was on my own having to walk back to my room.

Since the hospital is in the castle, I didn't have to walk far, but it felt like the walk of shame.

When I reached my room, I noticed someone cleaned it while I was gone. The bed was no longer messed up and things weren't pulled out from under my bed.

I sighed in relief to find any evidence was gone from that man.

I put on some neutral colored dress clothes and walked into the kitchen to have a snack. Almost dying does that for you.

When I grab an apple, I decide to get Wendy something for being such a good friend. I call over one of the servants and have them get a carriage ready for me.

When I get in, I tell the person driving to take me to the jewelry shop. I decided to get Wendy a nice necklace, maybe some earrings.

When we arrived, I walked in and everybody bowed.

Not being used to going outside of the castle, I awkwardly bowed back and continued on my search.

"An-anything I can help you with, Prince Mason?" The lady behind the counter offers.

"Actually, yes. I was wondering if you had any idea what colors or things Miss Corduroy would like. I'm trying to get her a gift." She widens he eyes a bit, but offers me some advice.

"Well, her birthstone is a ruby?" She directs me over to a case full of ruby jewelry. I see a matching set of ruby earrings and a necklace. I pick it out, pay, and she wraps it up for me

I walk back out to my carriage with the gifts in hand. The driver gives me a look and I wave my hand, as if to tell him to shut up and drive.

When we get back, there is a guard waiting for me at the doors. I walk up to him and he gives me a letter. It read;

I have noticed you like to explore outside of the castle recently. Per Billy's orders, you must take this knight as protecting wherever you go. Please be safe

- Wendy

I look back up at the man and he gives me a half smile. I return it and walk in with my gift. He follows me in, but is kept at a distance.

I knock on Miss Wendy's door and hear no answer. I turn back around and walk into my room.

The guard also follows me. I awkwardly stare at him for a moment turning around.

I start to take off the layers I'm forced to wear every day and I can hear the guard clear his throat and shuffle his feet.

I turn back around to see him facing the opposite way.

"You may leave while I get changed."

He turns around to now but sees my chest and flushes. He quickly mutters a 'thank you sir' and walks out the door, shutting it behind him.

I sigh at the long day I've had and finish changing. Once I'm done and dressed in appropriate dinner-wear, I open the door once more and see the back of the guard I take a moment to notice his back muscles peaking through his tan shirt.

I'm guessing he is one of the higher ranking ones because he doesn't wear what all the others have on. Insted of armor and official looking uniforms, he's wearing a tan shirt with black cargo pants. His hair cut is longer than you see everyone else have.

I tap him on the shoulder, startling him.

"Sorry, but umm, what's your name?" I felt stupid to ask a question like that as I could just call him 'guard' or something.

Surprise flashes across his face, but it quickly gods back to his plain look.

"Alexander. But you may call me Alex."

I don't mean to, but I gasp at his voice. Now that I've heard it, I can't think of anything else that could've been his voice. It's low enough to know that he's a serious guy, but not too low it's the only thing you can think of.

"What would his highness request to be called?"

He stares at me intently. I think for a moment before giving my answer.

"In private-just between you and I, you may call me Dipper. Anywhere else, you can just use me title."

He raises his eyebrows.

"Just to be professional."

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