Shower Thoughts

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After I grab my clothes, I go into the bathing room that was connected to the guest room. I quickly undress and slip into the steaming water. I hiss when the water fully covers my foot, but continue going, scared Alex is going to come in for some reason.

I quickly yell out a "Ready!"

And a shirtless Alex opens the door. I press myself closer to the bath rim to cover myself more.

"Oh, so you get privacy, but I don't? How is that fair?" I whip my head around in embarrassment that he just caught me staring.

"Just get in already," I mumble into my shoulder.

"Alright, if you insist." I can just hear the smirk on his lips.

I hear a splash of water and I glace behind me.

"Hi there," Alex says in my face.

"Whoa! Get away! I'm naked under here." I say pushing his shoulders away.

"Fine." He says, retreating to his side, but not without a smile on his face.

I turn back around and try to keep the blush from creeping up my neck.

For the next few minutes, there is only silence and stolen glaces at each other, not daring to let the eyes drag down his toned body. It's not like I could anyways (soapy water and such), and I hoped that he couldn't either.

I was almost done and just washing my body and I was wrapping my arm around my body, trying to reach my back with the rag.

I hear the water swish and suddenly a bigger and warmer hand grasps my own, and I can't help but gasp at the closeness we are at.

"Here, let me help you." Alex's calm voice is left without mischief, telling me this is not one of his jokes he's become so fond of telling on this trip.

After being too distracted to say anything to him, he takes the rag from my hand and slowly scrubs circles into my back.

I let a low breath out and close my eyes. His voice breaks me out of my momentary bliss.

"Does that feel okay?"

I hum a reply and only nod my head, not trusting my voice at the moment.

He chuckles and continues scrubbing.

I must have fallen asleep because a little too soon, Alex is waking me up. I pry my face from the side of the bath, and look up at him fully dressed.

I feel my fingers, noticing the wrinkly texture and cringing. The water is now cold and Alex holds up a towel. I squirm and pull my hand out of the water to signal him to turn around after grabbing the towel.

Once he is turned around, much to his dismay I might add, I step out and wrap it around my body.

"Thank you." I say to him.

He turns around and gives me a smile.

"You didn't peak, did you?" I saw, lifting an accusing, wrinkly finger up at him in half seriousness.

He shakes his head and laughs.

"Of course not."

I let my hand fall down to my side, but keep the other hand on my hip, holding up my towel.

"I got you dinner." He turns so I can look through the doorway into the bedroom to see a steaming bowl on a small table infront of the bed.

I walk through and quickly pick out my clothes from the trunk Alex brought in. I look around and see the bathroom door closed. Alex must still be in there.

I peel the towel from my still damp body and slide on my boxers along with my sleep shirt.

I place myself on the bed and start eating the soup that was in the bowl.

A few minutes later Alex walks in hesitantly, but relaxed when he sees I'm dressed.

He sits down next to me, but on the edge of the bed.

"Your highness I..." He doesn't look at me and starts fiddling with his hands.

"Do I have your permission to speak out of hand?"

I set my spoon down, sensing importance in his voice.

"You may proceed. What's up?"

He takes a moment to collect his thoughts, then takes a deep breath and starts.

"I'm worried about you getting married and the relationship you will have with The King."

I sigh. This is not what I wanted nor what I thought he was going to talk about.

"How so?"

"Well I…I'm worried you are expecting something different. The King doesn't like the idea of marrying a stranger -- anymore than you do! But I think you are expecting him to act like you are actually married for the right reasons, when we both know he won't."

I take a moment to let all the truth sink in. I knew all of this, but had never had the balls to admit it.

"Thank you Alex. No one has had the guts to tell me yet."

He looks relived. I guess telling the person who could get you executed that their marriage isn't going to work out, can be quite nerve-racking.

I try to think about Alex's words and what they mean to me. Like I said before, I've known all along, ever since Grunkle Stan told me back at my old palace. But saying it out loud is different.

I finish my soup and lay it on the nightstand next to the bed.

"Let's try to get some sleep because this would be the first night we would be sleeping on an actual bed."

He laughs and we lay down.

I no longer feel weird about sleeping next to Alex. Even if he felt something, we both know it would just get too complicated.

And we both know that I don't need any more complicated in my life.

Thank you guys so much for reading this! Just wanted to let you know that Alex is NOT the love interest. Thank you again, and happy holidays!

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