Party Rock is in the House Tonight!

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Alex walks in after a few minutes and hands me a beige paper.

"Thanks! You're the best." He gives me a smile and walks out to guard the door, as always.

I start trying to match up the names to the faces I remember. It's difficult, but if I just wing most of it, I'm sure to get atleast halfway, right?

I check the time and quickly go over the papers Wendy gave me. This event is for this kingdom and another small one to mingle and set an alliance. It's important we set good first impressions and create a small friendship (even if it's fake) with the king and queen.

I go over the important names again and walk out the door. I head to the courtyard to wait for guests with Wendy, Bill, and the rest of the staff.

I walk out and the crisp noon air fills my lungs and I breathe in deep breaths to calm down my slight nervousness.

Already, without any guests arriving yet, there are lots of people. I walk down a sort of aisle to reach where the royals would sit.

I see Bill wearing a long sleeved white shirt and a black vest over it with matching black slacks. I see his black and yellow hair slicked back and his face neatly shaven. Although being a royal is a full time job, I could tell that Bill would wear comfortable clothes at his castle more than anywhere else.

I take a seat next to Bill, on the opposite side of Wendy. He barely have me a glance.

"What a wonderful day to be outside. I'm glad we did it today, don't you think?" Wendy asked no one in spacific.

I hum a yes in return and she leans her head into the back of the chair. Bill clears his throat and gives Wendy a look I cant see.

She opens her eyes just a bit for her to squint at him, then sighs and sits up straight again. I then gave forward, waiting for people to start flooding the field.


It took not even thirty minutes to fill up the yard with royals and servers alike. I don't think I've ever seen this many people gathered together before, not even at my mother's funeral (the whole kingdom came that day).

I make my way through the crowds, getting bows and handshakes constantly. I try to remember who the main target was for the party, but after meeting so many people, I lost track of my own name at the end.

At some point Wendy somehow found me and guided me towards where Bill and her were standing. I walk over with a smile and greet a person that was shaking hands with Bill.

"This is King Odin, the one this event was planned for." Bill informs me.

"Oh! I'm so sorry we haven't seen each other. It's like a sea of people out there and Everytime I try to come up for air, I get sucked down again!" I try to amuse him with simple banter.

"Ah yes, I heard its tricky out there. That's why I just stay in one spot and let people circulate around. It's much easier." I laugh a little to keep everything lighthearted.

"I'm glad everything worked out between our kingdoms! I'm looking forward to working with you all." Wendy shakes hands with him and I notice a slight grimace from him when she did.

I furrow my brows but say nothing to not make anything awkward.


After the party, I was exhausted. Once It was appropriate to, I excused myself to my bedroom and laid down.

"Ugggg." I groaned with comfort. I spread my arms out wide and sighed. After a few minutes I laid there, basking in the warmth of my room.

A knock sounded at my door, reminding me of the real world.

I sit up on my bed and fit my hair. "Come in."

A petite maid walks in and bows. She keeps looking down and not making eye contact with me, making me feel suspicious.

"M-master Bill would like to see you." She stutters out.

I don't move. I continue looking at her, unweary of her presence. She notices my unmoving and looks nervous. Her eyes dart around my room as if looking for something.

"Thank you, you may leave now." She looks up at me startled, as if she forgot I was there.

She hurries out of my room and I get ready to meet Bill.


I walk up to his door, taking a deep breath before knocking.

I hear a slightly muffled 'come in' before turning the knob.

I can see Bill at his desk writing on a few papers. He looks up at me for a second before continuing on with his work.

"You called for me?"

"Yes, please sit down." He starts sliding papers to the side of his desk before looking me in the eyes. This is making me nervous.

"Did I do something wrong? I feel like I'm in the principals office right now." I let out a nervous chuckle, but he doesn't even smile.

"I was informed by my father that we haven't been seen as a... couple to the public eye. He says that wedding needs to happen sooner than planned. Although I don't agree with him, I understand what he wants."

He takes a deep breath and looks down at his desk before finishing.

"I had mainly called you in here to discuss something that also relates to what we are talking about right now." He's acting very strange, it's like he doesn't want me to know what he's about to say.

"I've already talked to Wendy about this and she understands. She will just switch rooms with you." He lets that sink in for me, but it just floats right over my head.

"But... you guys share a room?"

"That's what I'm saying, will you move into my room?"

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