Getting Settled

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"Whoa! Alex, it's me! It's-It's me!" I put my hands up and surrender. The scowl on his face turns onto one of relief.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you're okay!" I'm being hugged right now. By Alex.

He pulls away and I take in a breath I didn't know I was needing.

"Please don't do that ever again." He looks straight into my eyes and I only dare to nod.

After he lets me go, there is an awkward pause as we stare into the eyes of each other, unable to look away.

"What were you doing in an ally, with your back turned?" He stood there for a second, not saying a word, almost trying to comprehend what he just did. Then he looks meekly at the ground, kicking a rock that was by his foot.

"I don't know, something ominous I guess." I laugh out loud, and that only gains a smile from him.

His face lights up and he smiles even wider.

"While you were gone, I got us a place to sleep tonight! This older couple was shocked by how nice we were to their friend and how we saved him, that they offered to let us sleep in one of their guest bedrooms for tonight." He looks pretty proud of himself.

"What about our identities?" Alex shakes his head.

"I told them we were newlyweds traveling across the country to go see your friend's baby shower!" My jaw drops and my face heats up.

"You told them what?!" A smirk plays on Alex's lips.

"What? They were asking about us and it was the first thing I thought of."

I grit my teeth. Of course, Alex would say that! Sometimes I wonder what goes through that thick skull of his.

"Don't worry about it! Better to have a backstory than some random men in their house, right?"

I pull my lip into my teeth, contemplating whether or not to slap this man or run away.

Before I can do either, an older woman comes up to me with a smile.

"I thought what yall did was so brave!" She takes my hands in hers and I can only look at Alex for help. But instead, he looks past me, staring at something.

I give a meek smile to the woman and peek past her to see what Alex was looking at. I lock eyes with a slightly built gentleman. Gray hairs frame his head of hair and a small beard. He comes up behind the woman with a gentle smile and wraps his arms around her. She turns her head slightly and smiles warmly back at him, closing her eyes.

I pry my hands from hers and uncomfortably stand next to Alex.

The woman notices our stiff stances and moves away from the man with rosy cheeks. Now everyone is in awkward silence.

The woman clears her throat and I gesture to me as she talks.

"So! I didn't happen to catch your name sweetheart." My eyes widen a bit and I stand quietly for a moment.

"Its...Da-vid. David, yeah." I choke out.

The lady looks at, what I'm guessing is, her husband for a moment before looking back at me with a smile. Now I'm thinking it's a fake smile...

"I didn't catch your name, either," I say, trying to divert the attention away from my horrible lying.

"Oh! Well my name is Margaret and this here is my husband William. And you are...Alexander?" Alex nods his head and the woman smile again.

"Well, I figure your husband here explained the favor I'm makin' for yall?" I nod my head.

"Thank you so much! Sleeping on the dirt is just so uncomfortable!"

"I completely understand! When we went to visit our daughter, we had to do exactly what yall are going through! Where exactly you said yall were headed?" We started walking-well more like 'follow the husband while his wife nails us with questions'.

"Oh, we were just going to a friend's baby shower," Alex answers for me.

Margaret nods her head and the rest of the short journey to their house was quiet.


As we walk into the house with our trunks, William directs us to a room. I didn't realize we would be sharing a room! Much less a bed!

"Thank you. We're going to bed now!" Alex says quite harsh.

"What about dinner? Would one of you like-"

"No thanks! You've already done so much for us." Alex cuts her off, picking up my trunk.

"Oh, well okay. The bath is ready for use!"

"Thank you!" I yell again while being pushed into the room by Alex.

Once we get into the room, Alex closes the door.

"What the hell was that about?" I say putting my hands on my hips.

"I honestly don't know. I just wanted us to be away from them. I got strange vibes."

Oh, whatever. I thought. He's just trying to make sure we don't get attached to them and stay another day.

"Okay, well, what do you want to do?" He smirks at me and I immediately regret saying anything.

"You heard the woman. The bath is open."

"Oh, that's right. I'll take a bath. Alone." I say grabbing a sleep shirt and shorts.

"This isn't like the castle, your majesty. They don't have baths as we do. There will only be enough hot water for one person." I raise my eyebrow, not getting what he was trying to say.

"...We'll have the bath together."

"Ew! No! Don't I get any privacy?!"

"Shhh!!" Alex says putting his hands over my mouth. "Do you want everyone to know that we aren't married?"

"Just because you say we are married, doesn't mean we have to shower together."

"Well if you don't like this idea, then you won't like the ideas I have later. To seem believable, of course." He laughs at my expression and I wonder what made him into this laid-back, flirty person. What happened to the strict Alexander that never cracked a smile?

"Shut up. Fine. We can bathe together, but you have to close your eyes."

"What kind of bathing would that be?" He chuckles.

"The kind where you don't get slapped."

"Fine. If it makes you happy and I still get to shower, deal."

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