My Destiny

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I sit stiffly on the wooden chair as my advisor updates Mabel and I about our schedules for the day.

These heavy clothes dampen my often good mood in the morning, and make me regret being so proper.

I can't imagine what Mabel must feel like.

I glance over to her seeing her eyes droop and head nod back and forth on its own accord.

I sigh and finish listening to the man in front of us.

When he's finished, I raise my arm and wave him away.

I get up and start walking to the throne room to talk to some subjects who have some questions or have problems.

Mabel puts her hand on my shoulder, making me turn.

"Grunkle Stan asked to see you in his room before you talk to anyone else."

I give her a nod and start walking opposite of the other doors.

Whenever our Grunkles call on us, it's usually about our dad. He's off in another country trying to reason with their kingdom about the war. So maybe he'd sent a letter just for me to read again.

I reach his room and knock lightly. I hear some shuffling on the other side, but the door opens nonetheless.

Grunkle Stan stands there in his robe and gold chain.

Sometimes I wonder if he's really our Grunkle, not to metion royal.

He ushers me in before looking outside into the hall to see if anyone was near. When he was satisfied, he closed the door and turned to me.

I gave him a weary look and crossed my arms, finally giving up my straight posture.

"I have some big news for you, kid."

I furrowed my eyebrows. What could he possibly have to say?

"Why? What's up?" His hand runs over his face and he sighs.

"Please sit down."

My anxiety rises. What if he's going to say something happened to dad or something is going to happen to Mabel. Oh no.

"Is it something about Mabel? She has been acting weird lately."

Grunkle Stan nods his head.

"She has been requested to join Princess Pacifica in marriage. They will stay here and rule."

I let our a breath I had been holding. Nothing wrong with Mabel, and I don't have to rule.

"But this is also about you. You have also received an invitation to marry Prince Bill Cipher of the Demons."

I take that breath of relief back. This is worse. Way worse.

"What?! Why do we need to do that-i mean I know why but...ARG!"

Curse you stupid war, making my life miserable.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but it's going to be okay. I've talked to the king and he sounds very nice. You'll be fine." He tries reassuring me but it sounded like he was scolding a small child having a temper tantrum.

I stop for moment and think about my situation. This is good. This is fine. We're okay here. I just need to make the best out of it. With how big and resourceful the Demon kingdom is, our kingdom will prosper and stop this war.

I look back at my Grunkle Stan. I look back at his pleading eyes. It's at that I moment I give in.

"I'm fine. It's fine I'm just... Surprised is all. I'll schedule a meeting with the prince and hopefully it doesn't go horribly." I offer a small smile and walk out of his room.

I walk down the hall back toward the throne room and catch Mabel walking out.

She looks at me and frowns. She gazes down and starts fiddling with her dress. She looks nervous.

"I guess you've heard the news?"

I figure she's talking about her and pacifica, so I just nod my head.

"Did you also hear about my predicament?"

She lifts her head at this.

"Me and Prince Bill Cipher..."

She voices a small gasp. She covers her mouth and pulls me down the hall.

I stumble along quizzically, unaware of what the heck she's doing.

She pulls me into the servants kitchen and shuts the door quietly.

"Have you heard the things about him?"

I shake my head, as I haven't really been out much.

"Well they say he's ruthless, and he already has a mistress!"

This makes my heart ache. He knew he was going to get married eventually to someone not of his choice. Why would he do that?

Mabel takes my hand and gets closer to me. She leans in real close and stares deep into my eyes.

"Don't do anything stupid dipper. You don't know what he could do."

She gives my hands a last squeeze and walks out the room. I stand there frozen with confusion. I've never seen Mabel so serious before.

I shake my head and walk out behind her.

I walk around the castle until I find my adviser in the library and tell him to set up a meeting with the Prince of Demons.

He widens his eyes a bit, but writes it down on a scrap price of paper.

Let's just hope I don't mess this up.

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