Just Chapter Nine

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He takes a moment to think before answering me. A thing I've found common with him.

"I saw someone dart across the garden and I had the instinct that they were a threat. I followed after them, but then I lost them. As I was walking back to you, they attacked me from the back. I was just lucky enough I was quick to react and they only scratched me."

I nod my head to the story as I agree. He was lucky.

"What happened after that?"

He picks up the shirt he was wearing and starts fiddling with the seam.

"I lost sight of them again after their attack."

I felt he was lying to me, but I didn't want to push him tonight.

"Well, thank you. We probably would've been dead if it weren't for you."

I finished putting the last bandage on and walk in front of him so he can tell I was being sincere.

He looks up from the shirt and locks eyes with me before quickly turning away.

"Thank you, your highness for nursing me back into shape. I'll let you sleep."

He stands up and bows. I walk him out my door and give him a small smile before locking the door.

I sigh as I climb back into bed, glad all the adrenaline made me tired.

I lay my head down on the pillow and try to solve the identity of the mystery attacker, but dont get far as I fall asleep.


I wake up as usual with a servant opening my blinds and bringing me my robe.

They bow after giving me the kingdom news-most of which I don't understand. I give them a smile before getting out of bed and putting on the appropriate clothes.

I head out the wing and down the stairs, ready to be served breakfast.

Not a moment later, I see Bill and Wendy also come down with linked arms.

I glance toward the kitchen and lock eyes with Alex. He sticks his tongue out at me and I stifle a laugh.

When everyone is sitting down, a lady in an apron comes in with trays of food.

One good thing that has come out of this marriage is that the kingdom has plenty of  fruits and goods. The trays were evidence of this.

There were breads and all types of fruits I didn't know existed. I guess my surprise showed, because Wendy decided to speak up.

"Have you every tried these? They're my favorite." She slides a plate over to me and I look down. There are spikey blue looking fruits and they looked poisonous.

I shake my head 'no' and look back up to see her shocked face.

"Well you'll have to try them! Go on!" She energetically encourages me while Bill just sits, watching the scene unfold. They both don't notice my uncomfort.

I take a knife and slice it halfway and see little black seeds spill out in an almost-clear goo. The sight emediately shuts down my appetite.

"Maybe next time. You never know, might be allergic." I nervously laugh, hoping I'm not offending anyone by not eating the exotic fruit.

Wendy laughs with me, but I can tell it was forced. An awkward silence fills the dinning hall and all that was heard for the rest of breakfast was the clanks of utensils being used.


After the uneventful morning, I am addressed by Alex that today we were going to be a bit busy. We were holding a garden party for an engagement made with another small kingdom.

I had done these before, but that was when I was younger and knew most of the people attending. Before I got ready I asked Alex if he knew who was coming.

"Oh, I don't know. I can get a guest list for you if you'd like?"

I give him a big smile and thank him. He bows and walks out of my room to grab it.

I decide to go ahead and get dressed to become productive and not waste time.

I put on a simple white long sleeve shirt and lounge suit overtop. The color was a neutral grey as I didn't want to be too extravagant.

As I was done fixing my hair, a knock came at the door.

I opened it, surprised to see Wendy standing there with a few pieces of paper. I give her a polite smile and invite her in.

"Thank you, I was just stopping by to give you the itinerary. It contains what the event is about and who it's for. Just make sure you read it before we start seeing guests arrive." She hands me the papers and looks around for a bit.

"Your room is so clean! I have to get the maids to clean mine. It never gets done by myself. I'm jealous." She looks back up at me me, slight pink dusting her cheeks.

"Oh, it's just years of habit. Nothing to get jealous over." I say, hoping I'm not being rude.

She just sighs and walks back out the door.

"Anyways, I just wanted to deliver those personally because I was bored and Billy is too busy trying to order everyone around." She takes a breath and looks back up at me. Her eyes widen.

"I mean, I know I should be helping, but I feel inferior when I'm next to him. He know what he's doing, and I feel like I don't."

I don't respond because what the frick would I actually say to this woman?
'You're right, you can't really do what he can. Sucks to be you!'

Insted, I really say; "Don't say that about yourself. I'm sure your good at those things too."

Wendy, honey, I love ya, but you're acting like a real 'pick me' right now. All I want is for you to get out of my room.

"Thanks Mason. I can always count on you."

She turns around and walks out the door. "See you at the party!" I call after her.

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