Unfriendly Reunion

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I walk down the quiet halls, careful to not to make noise. It's so strange to be here in silence. Every time I was here in my childhood, there were always servants and people rushing around. They brought life to this small manor.

I sneak past a few closed doors and peek my head around the corner. It's dark now and I'm wondering where everyone is.

I see an open door with light flooding the hallway when I hear a fire crackling. I smile at distant memories and begin my walk toward the door.

I falter when I hear talking. It sounds like someone alone, but you can never be too sure.

Rounding the corner, I see who I've been looking for this whole time.

"Jesus! You're here!" I walk over into his arms.

"Why so formal? You know you can call me Soos."

I chuckle and pull back from the hug.

"Sorry. Bad habits die hard. Where is everyone?"

He looks down and stays silent.

"Would you like to sit down? We have a lot to talk about." He turns around and sits down on a leather couch next to a lit fireplace. Now that I'm noticing it, it's the only light provided in this room. The plain room is filled with paintings, sculptures, and a few pieces of furniture.

It would look like a formal living room if it wasn't for the creepy lack of lighting and the drapes being drawn over the windows, covering what would have been the moon's light.

I sit down across from him in a leather armchair. I sit on the edge, eager to catch up with an old friend.

"What did you want to talk about?"

He sighs and grabs a cigarette box out of his front suit pocket.

"Did you know I sent you a letter? I tried explaining everything, but I'm glad you didn't have the chance to read it. Better to do in person anyway."

He walks over to the open flame and pulls out a cigarette. He gestures it towards me, but I silently refuse, trying to keep him talking.

When did he start smoking?

"There's been a few changes here over the years—even more so in the last three. Ever since your father went to fight in the war and I became the new king, things have gotten more serious. I've come to realize the jeopardy my kingdom is in."

He pauses to close the box and safely tuck it back away into his front pocket.

"I have a proposal to make. Seeing how you are going to marry into the Demon Dynasty and I have my kingdom's resources, we could work together in this war and come out on top."

He sticks the cigarette between his teeth, still unlit.

"Whaddya say?"

He smirks and pushes back his hair, leaning against the fireplace.

I sit back in my chair, confused and disappointed this was the topic of the conversation.

"I don't think that would work. Have you seen who our current allies are? You have bad blood with them. Plus, we're not even married yet. I have no say in what goes down in that kingdom—let alone the marriage. I'm sorry, but it's going to be a no."

His smirk fades and he stands up straight again. His eyes darken and I'm afraid I've made the wrong choice.

"You know, we've done so much for you. Don't get me started on all the charity work that was being done after your careless mother died. Your family was a wreck. We saved your kingdom. And this is how you repay me? Repay my father?"

His voice gets louder and louder but he doesn't move from his spot. I hope he doesn't.

He takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves to his elbow.

"Don't you understand that I'm just trying to help? While you were away our family ran into trouble. We needed you but you were too busy with your own little world that people had to pay. My father had to pay. And so did I."

He takes his cigarette from his mouth and sticks his hand into the fire. I have to resist the urge to cry out when I see his hand disappear into the flames.

He pulls it out with his flesh burnt and smoking and an atrocious smell fills the air. I bring my hand up to plug my nose and my eyes water at the sizzling sound of his burning skin.

Despite his barbecued hand, his face looks lifeless and his brings the lit cigarette up to his mouth. He drags out a long puff of smoke and smirks at my reaction.

"Things have changed, Dipper. I was cursed. This castle was cursed. I need your help." He walks around to stand behind me and I don't dare turn my head around. He slaps his hands down onto my shoulders making me jump. He starts massaging them and regardless of the usually kind gesture, hearing and seeing what I've been through tonight, I'm scared of my life for once because of Soos.

"And if you don't," I feel the heat of the butt of his cig in my ear, "I'll come for you."

He blows smoke out and it fans the back of my head.

"Think about what I've said and we can talk in the morning. It's pretty late and I'm just beat."

He flicks his cig into the fire and walks out slowly.

When he reaches the door, he stops and turns around.

"Oh and... keep that boyfriend of yours out of my business. Don't want anyone to get hurt, now do we?"

I vigorously shake my head and he nods with a smile. I see him walk away and I'm glued to my chair.

What the hell happened to him?

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