Teatime with a Demon and an Angel

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The following week was just like any other week, except when the demon prince came for tea.

I was reading in the library when one of my servants came to tell me a guest had arrived.

I stand up and suck in a breath. These next few hours could determine my whole future.

I push open the library doors and dramatically cascade down the stairs.

I almost trip when I see who was here.

Not only was the Prince of Demons here, but so was his mistress.

I didn't know how to feel.

I felt my fake smile waver, but other than that, I don't think you could have told I was effected.

"This way please." I lead them into the dinning room and pulled out a chair for the mistress to sit next to me.

Disregarding my curious gesture, the Prince sits her down next to him.

I bite my lip, but keep my composure and sit down.

"Well, I was quite surprised that you had brought Miss Corduroy, but the more the marrier!"

The mistress, Miss Corduroy, looks at bill for an answer, but he just deepens his smirk.

"I hope I'm not intruding." Her voice wasn't what I was expecting. Actually, I had expected a monster, but she was quite the opposite.

She had red fire hair that went down to her waist, but she styled it into a half up, half down look. Freckles dotted her skin like angels were kissing her again and again, trying to show off God's creation.

And her figure was to die for. She had a small figure but a tall bod. She didn't look lanky, or awkward tall. She was the perfect hight. And her voice. I could listen to her read the declaration of independence and I wouldn't get bored.

At this point, I wasn't mad anymore. I was more of jealous, but not of her. I was jealous for both of them.

"Oh, you arent-"

"Like I said before, you arent intruding of any sorts. Your fine." The prince cuts me off and puts his hand on hers.

I widen my eyes a bit at the Prince's boldness. But, nonetheless, I nod my head in agreement.

She looks a bit relieved, but hasn't stopped looking uncomfortable.

For the rest of the evening I made smalltalk. My initial plan for tonight was to find out the kind of person the Demon Prince was, but when I didn't exactly get the one-on-one time, I figured it was better then nothing.

Having Miss Corduroy over too, wasn't too bad.

If I had met her before this whole mess, we definitely would have been good friends.

I just hope Cipher will be a bit warmer towards me in the future.

After I show them out, I go up to my room and lay on my bed. I feel tired and decide to just lay there. That is until Mabel comes in and sits next to me.

"So, how did it go?"

I crane my neck and look up at her in surprise.

"So you're telling me you didn't evesdrop the whole time?"

She laughs and playfully punches my shoulder.

"Nope. I couldnt. The Grunckles had me doig even more royal work now that we know that I will be ruling the kingdom insted of you."

My mouth forms an 'O' shape and I nod my head.

"Are you excited about that?" I ask her that because I've always told her about how I felt ruling here.

She shrugs her shoulders.

"Well at least you'll have Pacifica to lean on."

Mabel smiles and turns her head. I could tell She was excited about marrying Pacifica.

She turns her head back around and laughs. 

"Look at us. Marrying at the same time. Dad would have a heart attack."

I smile at the memory of Dad. As all Dads did, he didn't want us growing up.

"Yeah, and he would tell us non-stop about  the place he was staying, and what it looked like. He always loved telling stories."

Mabel puts her arm around my shoulder and sighs.

"I hope he comes home soon."

I hold her hand and agree with her.

"I do too."

The next week was the week that Pacifia was suppposed to move in. I could tell Mabel was nervous, but I gave her a reasuring hug.

"What if she doesn't want to get married and she already has a mistress like... well you know who."

I squeeze her shoulders and give her a reassuring sibling Pat-Pat on the back.

"Remember when we all used to play together when we were younger? You guys totally clicked the moment you saw eachother. Dont worry Mabel, it will go great!"

As if on cue, Princess Pacifica walks in with some of her servants holding her belongings.

She looks up at us at the top of the stairs and gives Mabel a big smile.

They run to eachother and meet halfway down the strairs. I slowly walk down to also greet Pacifica.

They stop their embrace once I reach them and Pacifica bows.

"King Mason. Its always a pleasure."

I scrunch my face in a playful manner.

"Ew Pacifica, all of that was just wrong."

She stands back up and sends me a smirk.

"What? Your name is Mason and your getting married to the Prince of Demons. I'd say I passed the test."

Mabel looks at Pacifica with a stange look.

"What test?"

"Oh, just stupid etiquette tests my teachers back home would give me. They were so annoying. Another reason I'm super excited to be here. That is if you are...?"

She looks at Mabel with a hopeful expressipn.

"Of course!"

I step away to give them privacy to catch up and wonder if thats what my relationship with Bill could be like. 

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