Adventure Time

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WARNING: Heavy language is used in this chapter.

When we finished packing, we loaded up the horse and got all of our stuff outside.

We both stand in the doorway, saying goodbye to the generous, yet strange couple.

"We can't thank you enough for letting us stay here. If we ever come this way again, we'll make sure to stop by and say hi!" Alex says, shaking everyone's hand.

"Oh, don't worry about it. We're sure you'll be quite busy." She looks at her husband, giving me a bad feeling.

I tap Alex's shoulder, pointing to the sunset.

"We should go. It was wonderful meeting you too."

With that we jump onto the horse and leave the town.


Only a few minutes out of town we hear something in the woods surrounding us.

"Do you hear that too?" I ask him, gripping his shirt.

"Yeah. Let's just stay on the path. We're almost to the house, right?"

I nod my head, forgetting that he can't see.

"I think it's only thirty more minutes down this road."

We both stay alert and silent, hoping that whatever was making the rustling noise, was an animal or some wind we just weren't feeling.

"Damit." Alex grunts out.


"My knife is gone. I might've left it at their house."

"Do you want to go back?"

He shakes his head.

"No it's fine. Try to see if you can get my sword."

Umm okay. He just brought a sword with him?

"Where is it?" I say, swiveling my positing so I'm facing backwards, toward the horse wagon we attached.

"It's in the trunk."

I pause what I'm doing, trying to make sure I'm hearing him right.

"The trunk? My trunk?"

He stays silent and I let out a puff of air.

I reach down and manage to get it unlatched, but struggle to search around in it with the distance.

"Do you think you can stop so I can grab it?"

"No. I don't feel good about this place. I-"

Alex stops talking and I feel my stomach drop.

"Alex?" I say, still turned around with my arm halfway buried under the clothes.

I feel the horse stop and I whip my body around to see Alex sitting perfectly still.

"Don't make a sound."

I slowly lean my body so I can see past him. In the middle of the path is a fallen tree. Im confused until I see where it broke off. It didn't fall. It was cut.

"Alex-" I whisper, but get cut off by the jerk of the horse trotting to the right of the tree.

"I want you to stay on hight alert. And find. My. Sword."

I immediately turned around and start vigorously digging through the clothes. Feeling a large hard mass, I yank and struggle to pull it up. It's being weighed down by all the other clothes.

"Any day now, Dipper."

"I'm-ugg! Trying!" I say, yanking on the sheath.

Finally, it pulls free and I use two hands to give it to Alex.

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