I Believe I Can Fly

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⚠️ Trigger Warning: nonconsensual touching and attempted rape


When I wake up, it takes a minute to remember where I was.

I take in the sunlight shining through the thin curtains. I sit up and stretch, wondering what my day will consist of.

I hear a knock at my door, so I throw my robe on and walk over. I open the door and a man is standing there with a notebook and pencil.

"I'm here on behalf of Prince Bill on getting your measurements for the new wardrobe."

I'm suprised for a moment, but I let him in.

He has jet black hair and a tall stature. He is definitely a little older than me. If you saw him on the streets, you wouldn't think he would be a tailor.

He smiles at me and walks over to the corner to pull out the chair.

"If you don't mind, could you undress for me?"

I furrow my brows and my hands indistinctively go to my robe strings.

"What I mean is, I need to get the most accurate measurements." He tries a reassuring smile, but it falls short when I hesitate.

I finally give in and let me robe fall to my feet. Underneath I only had my boxer shorts on with no shirt.

For a moment I thought I saw him look me up and down, but dismissed it when he started writing something down. He pulled out his measuring tape and began with my head, neck, arms and waist. Then he went down to my hips and brushed against my... Y'know.

I gasp at his actions, but he takes it as a go ahead. He starts groping my ass and keeping eye contact with me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I try to step away from him, but the measuring tape keeps me in place.

"Calm down, your highness I'm just getting your measurements."

I shake my head and rip the tape out of his hands. I run over to the door to escape, but notice he locked it. Since I've only been here for about two days, I wasn't given a key to lock my door yet.

I turn back around to see him holding up a ring full of keys. His former comforting smile twists into a horrifying grin. He walks closer to me and I start banging on the door.

"Sh, sh, be quiet Dipper. Don't want anybody finding out." His hand snakes up to my mouth, keeping me quiet, and his other hand holding my wrists locked above my head.

"Make a noise, and I'll kill you." I don't doubt his threats, but can't help whimper at the thought.

He takes his hand off my mouth and uses the measuring tape to wrap around my hands. He moves my body over to the bed and ties the rest of the tape to the bed frame.

"It's just you and me now cutie." His sharp voice makes me shiver as I fully realize what is about to happen.

His hands drag down my body and I writhe at his touch.

"Don't be scared little one, I saw the looks you were giving me. You want this. Whatever is going to happen, it all YOUR fault."

I knew what he was telling me lies, but the little voice in the back of my mind couldn't help but agree with him.

"Just watch, you'll like it." His hands started going down to my waistband and I started kicking and yelling.

He tried to hold them down, but after years of self defense had finally kicked in.

"Stop it! I'll kill you! I'll kill you and everyone else here if you don't stop!" But I knew better. I kept screaming. While kicking around, my hands became loose.
I pried them away from the bond and pushed him off of me.

I then started hitting and kicking him, trying to get him away. I grabbed the tape he used on me to tie his arms together. I then leaped across the room to grab all of the keys. I didn't know which one it was, so I quickly started trying to test all of them.

I could hear the man scooting across the carpet, trying to get to me, which only fueled my anxiety even more. My hands fumbled around even more and I was on the last key when I felt him grab onto my leg. I shoved the key in, twisted the knob, and tore my leg away from his grip. I slammed the door on his face and fell down onto floor in the hall.

I hear talking stand up to lock the door. I turn around to see two servants stopped, and looking at me. I clear my throat and stand up straighter.

"Could one of you grab me a robe please? Or some clothes." I see one of them slowly nod her head and walk off. I let out a breath of relief and run my back down the door.

A few minutes later the servant comes back with an extra robe and some clothes. I thank her and put them on. I slowly unlock the door to tell the tailor off, but I'm surprised to see no one there. I check under the bed, in the bathroom, in the closet and anywhere else I could think of.

It is only when I sit back down onto my bed that I notice the balcony door is slightly open. I cautiously walk over there to see no one there. I turn around and almost scream at seeing him there, with the tape no longer around his arms.

I back up and feel something blocking my freedom. I turn my head and of course see the railing. Then, I do what any sane person would do. I step up onto it and threaten to jump off.

"HONEY! Honey, baby, dont do this. Come down and we could have some fun." I scrunch my face at the pet names he's given me and step back a little bit.

"Fine! I'll leave if you step down. I promise."

I can tell he's lying and look down to see how long the drop is. Not too bad. I'd survive.

"Just stop! I'll go away..." He turns around and starts walking back, letting me breathe for a moment. Then he turns around and tries grabbing my legs. He ends up missing, and pushing me off.

I can feel the air flowing past my face, temporarily blinding me.

I land with a thud and lay there for a moment. I can't feel any pain so I figure I'm fine. I also notice I landed in some bushes. I pop my head out and see a guard staring right at me.

I feel my face flush and I stand up.

"Can you help me back, please?" He takes my arm and helps me out of the bushes.

As soon as we start walking, I loose all feeling in my legs and feel my head shut down. My vision blurs and I fall down, out of his grip. I black out before I hit the ground.

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