New roommate

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As pacifica moves in, I move out.

I pack only a few of my things as Prince Bill said that I can get a new wardrobe when I arrive. At first I thought he was being generous, but then I realized that my kingdom's colors were the main colors I wore, and his kingdom's colors are different.

The royals always have to have their kingdoms colors on or it's seen as disrespectful.

I get the servants to put the chest of my important things on the back of the carriage and then we're off.

To keep myself busy, I have also grabbed a few of my favorite books to read.

Before I know it, we arrive and I step out. I look up and realize that I'm actually doing this. Their castle is humongous and it feels so intimidating.

I walk up the steps and the guards open the doors. I walk in and it's beautiful in there.

A servant comes over to me and I ask where the Prince is. She says he's off on a errand and he would be back tomorrow night. I thank her and she walks away.

"Prince Mason! Welcome, I'm glad you're here. How was the journey?"

I turn to my right and Miss Corduroy is standing in what looks like the doorway to a kitchen.

"Now that we're going to be living together, I see it only fitting to give you the royal tour."
She shifts her eyes when talking, but I dismiss it as nerves.

"Thank you Miss Corduroy, but you may call me Dipper. My parents used to call Mason..."

Her smile drops and she widens her eyes a bit. She almost looks scared. I'm about to ask her what was wrong, but she started talking.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know. What happened to them-if you don't mind me asking?"

I chuckle and shake my head.

"I don't mind at all. Actually, I'm suprised you haven't heard the story yet, being the kingdoms are not that far apart, or Prince Bill would have told you."

"No, Billy and I don't talk about those things." She stares at the floor and I notice she starts zoning out.

"My mom was a sorceress. She was always trying to come up with ways to help us win the war. Of course this was when Mabel and I were younger. We always loved watching her do magic. They bright blues and purples of some of her spells amazed us. We were even going to study it when we got older but..." I look back to her, realizing I was tearing up. "My mom was a pure soul. I don't think there was a bad bone in her whole body. One day whilst she was trying a new spell, she was supposed to summon a mighty warrior that was going to protect us. But something was wrong. It went rouge and attacked and killed her. My father had to kill it himself. That day he decided that magic was too powerful for us to try and burned all of my mother's work. Ever since that day he's been trying to win this war in honor of his late wife."

I finish my story and she looks like shes about to cry.

I feel vulnerable that told her about my family, but it feels good to talk about it with someone other than Mabel.

Then she does something I don't expect.

She hugs me.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know. At least you still have your sister and father."

I nod against her shoulder, feeling lucky that I am as close as I am with Mabel.

"Y'know, I had a brother. He was just like you. He was adventurous and stuck up for the little guys."

I pull away from the hug and raise my eyebrows as to say 'what happened?'.

She didn't respond, just sniffed and started the tour.


When we had finished, the servants finished dinner and the table was set.

It was strange. Usually when I have dinner, I sit down with my Grunckles, Mabel, and Waddles, the royal pig. There would always be conversation and laughter.

Now, Miss Corduroy and I sit between an empty chair-which I can only imagine Bill sits in.

When we both finished our dinner in silence, we walk up the staircase together, and turn to walk down seperate wings of the castle.

While on the tour I learned that Bill and Miss Corduroy had rooms across from eachother, while on the other hand, Bills HUSBAND was given a room in a whole separate wing.

"Goodnight Miss Corduroy. I'll see you in the morning." I start to walk down the hallway when I hear her say something.

"Please, like you said to me, Miss Corduroy is too formal for what we are now. Call me Wendy."

I gave her a half smile and she returned it.

"Then goodnight Miss Wendy." I gave her a wink, not completely giving up formalities, and she rolls her eyes in a playful manner.

I continue my walk down the hall, casually flopping onto my bad once I enter my room.

I wonder what Mabel and the Grunckles are doing now?

Usually, this is the time when Mabel and I have the time to talk about our day. We are so busy all throughout the day, we have no time to relax and just talk. When we do though, we usually talk about Dad.

But recently, we have been talking about the royal weddings.

I wonder if Bill would allow the wedding to be public. I mean, it IS an alliance with the kingdoms and the subjects should see that we partially have an interest for eachother.

Once I think about it, he probably wouldn't, and would just get the priest to come over one day, all willy-nilly and marry us.

I dread the day I have to marry Prince Bill. I hope once we are, I don't have to do anything more for him. He obviously gets enough from Wendy.

Okay, that was rude. But it's the truth! We shouldn't have to even be in the same room as eachother if it means nothing.

Lets just hope everything goes well.

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