Bedtime Routine

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Authors note: Sooooo despite what I said in the last chapter, I still wrote this and decided to post it bc why not. Sorry for all the confusion, but I don't really know what to do with this story. Dipper Goes To Tacobell still haunts my dreams 😀


After I took a few moments collecting myself, I walked back to my room.

Seeing Soos—I mean Jesus—like that freaked me out. We were all so close when we were younger. The story he told me about his family makes my blood race.

My palms sweat the whole time while I walk down the hall. When I reach my room, I'm quick to shut and bolt the door.

"Hey, where did you go? I was worried about you."

I turn around and Alex is standing by the bed, but it doesn't look like he's been awake for more than five minutes.

"Just needed some fresh air. I talked to my... friend and everything is all settled. We can go back now."

I race over to the empty chest that was full of my clothes and start packing.

"Woah, woah! What, so, that's it?" He walks over and grabs my wrists gently.

"Yeah. I got what I needed and I'm eager to get married."

My words seem to paralyze him. He stares at me, refusing to let me move despite my insistent tugging.

"Are you sure? We just got here. Can we get one night of full rest? We don't even have a way to get home—let's just stay for the night and make a plan tomorrow. Would your friend mind?"

I stop trying to break free and think about it. While I want to get out of here as fast as I can, we have no transportation. We would be walking home.

"That works I guess. I'll see what I can get for a way home."

"In the morning." Alex wags his finger at me.

"In the morning." I confirm.

After some silence, I finally notice how dark it looks outside. Suddenly feeling tired, I decide the faster I go to sleep, the earlier I can wake up.

I grab a sleep shirt off of a chair and start stripping. By the time I remember Alex is in the room, I only have my shirt and boxers on.

I urgently look over at him, only to see his back is turned. I stare for a few minutes more before he asks if I was done yet.

I jump into bed and quickly cover myself.

I squeak out a response and Alex starts getting dressed. Out of the same respect he had for me, I roll over, but have trouble closing my eyes.

Right in front of me is a mirror. And it's in the perfect spot for a view of a naked Alex. And Alex had the perfect view of... me.

My mouth drops and I make eye contact with him. I'm using all my willpower not to look down at the moment. But the image in my peripheral make my face flush bright red. I can tell because I glance at myself to make sure I wasn't making a stupid face.

Mission failed.

Alex walks closer, keeping his eyes on mine. I'm frozen in my spot on the bed—but if I could, I would be backing up.

The way his head is tilted down slightly, giving his eyes a darker shade makes the skin on my neck stand up.

He makes it to the bed and starts crawling towards me. Thankfully, from I angle I can see him at, his lower waist is covered by my own body in the mirror. Now that the distraction is gone, I can truly focus on his face.

I'm not sure what emotion he's feeling, but I can tell he's feeling a lot of it.

He gets right behind my body and I feel the bed dip, rolling my limp self towards his and my back brushes against his legs.

I see him lean down to me in the mirror and I hold my breath—as if I haven't already been doing the past few minutes.

He hovers his mouth above my ear, breathing slightly on it and giving me shivers.

"You know, we don't have to pretend we're a married couple anymore," He whispers.

"But I kinda enjoyed it. It was fun playing mommy and daddy with you." He continues.

I can't help but let myself inhale air because I was about to pass out. Not to mention the large tent that's starting to form under my boxers.

"I mean, we don't have to stop pretending. Just to be sure that our cover could be blown, you know?"

I somehow manage to nod my head and Alex leans down further, almost touching.

"But I just have one question," I nod again and part my lips, ready to answer whatever question he would want the answer to right now.

"Who's the mommy and who's the daddy?" I feel my whole face react in shock. I honestly should have expected this type of question, but it no less sends another ping to my dick that's throbbing.

Alex doesn't give me enough time to collect my thoughts and answer his question because he's started kissing my ear.

We somehow maintain eye contact through the mirror the whole time and I can't help but feel even more aroused because I can see his face.

Then, when I guess he's done kissing, he starts licking. Everywhere. He makes his way down the back of my neck and into my shoulders.

We lost eye contact in the time that he has traveled the top half of my body, but I can't really blame him because my eyes are only half open.

I feel him bite the spot where my neck and shoulder connect, and a small quiet whine breaks out of my mouth.

I open my eyes wide enough to see Alex stop and lift his head up, looking at me through the mirror. He wears a small smirk and an expression that says "that's right, I just found your weak spot. Now I'm going to torture you with it."

He leans back down and starts attacking the spot with kisses and bites.

Somehow my hand ends up tangled in his hair, urging on his actions.

He bites down a little too hard and I grab his hair and let out a groan.

My dick twitches when I hear a moan come from him.

"B-be careful, please." A breathy plead breaks out of him.

I look over my shoulder at him. His face is flushed, his hair is messy (with my hand still in it), and he's breathing erratically.

All I can think is oh fuck.

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