Home Away From Home

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"You want to, like, sleep in the same bed  and stuff too?"

I'm completely baffled by this idea--especially coming from him.

"Well, I mean--after the wedding of course because we would be technically be married." His face reddens and he refuses to look me in the eye.

"Oh I'm...I'm okay with that. I can start packing my things now and be completely ready after the wedding." I say, standing up.

"Well, okay. I guess I just expected for you to take the news differently."

I furrow my brows to show I was confused and hopefully prompt him to continue on his thoughts as this has probably been the longest conversation we've had since our first interaction back at my castle.

"I thought you were going to be a big baby about it and refuse to switch rooms. I thought I was going to have to convince you or something."

I laugh as his assumptions and he looks puzzled.

"Sorry, it's just funny to see what you think of me. I guess your not so bad after all. Well, goodnight." I walk out of the office tired and finally ready for some sleep.


The next morning I almost forget the conversation I had with Bill the night before, but seeing my suitcases out again reminded me.

A servant comes in and hands me a letter after breakfast as I am getting myself ready for the day

I quickly excuse them as soon as I see it's from Grunkle Stan.

I hastily open the letter and begin to read it.

Dear Dipper,

I hope you're doing well and you have acclimated well and are settling in with your soon to be husband. I hoped your visit with your sister brought joy and I wanted you to know it was my idea. Incase you are wondering, I have received a letter from your father addressing it directly to you. I have not opened it. Your sister got one as well. Must be a father-child thing...anyways! I think you would be pleased to know that Patricia and Mabel's training and progress to rule the kingdom is coming swimmingly. I don't really know what else to say and you probably have more important things to attend to now that you are getting married and are soon going to rule a kingdom three times the size of your old one.

         With love and regards,
                                               Great Uncle Stan

I put down the letter onto my desk and let everything soak in. I'm glad Mabel and Pacifica are doing well. When she visited, I knew she had alot of questions and was very nervous, but it warms my heart thinking about her and Pacificas relationship.

I look back down at the letter and gingerly take out a smaller envelope and see my name on the front.

I just as quickly open the letter as the last, and brace for bad news.

Dear Mason,

I haven't written to you and your sister in a while and that is because of the other kingdoms incompetence. You would be glad not to be here. Alas, we must build the trust that two rulers require and continue forth with our plans for the not so distant future. I've missed everyone with each day that passed and begin to wonder if I will ever make it out of this storm to see you all again! Only kidding, but can't wait until we meet again. Tell your new husband I say 'hi'.

            I miss you always,

I've forgotten how formal dad always was. It's nice to hear from him time to time. I like hearing that he's still alive, too. I wonder if Mabel's letter contained the same message?
And I wonder how he heard of Bill? Must have been one of the Grunkles.

I set both of the letters onto the nightstand next to my bed to deal with later. I will be excited to write back to both parties tonight and tell them all about my new life--preferably only including the good.

I walk out of my room and, as always, meet face to face with Alex.

"You know, there are always uncertainties in life. But Alexander whatever-your-last-name-is, I can always count on you being outside my door every morning and night."

I give him a friendly pat on the back and a small smile. His tired looking expression turns into a rare smile.

"What has you all happy this morning?"

I just flash my teeth with an even bigger smile and walk away towards the room with the fireplace and small book case. That was where Wendy decided everyone should be informed of the daily schedule.

I don't understand why we can't be told during breakfast, but I don't blame her bringing us all the way into this room.

The ceiling is high with a chandelier at the top. The fireplace is in the middle with two big bookcases on each side. There is a large couch right in front of it with two chairs on each side.

All the way to the right is a big window that faces the yard that we had the garden party on. Wendy and Bill sit on the couch and I sit on a chair to the left. I felt it would be too awkward if I too sat on the couch.

One of the advisers tell us our schedule and, as usual, Bill is stuck in his office signing laws and figuring out where to fundraise and boring things like that.

Wendy is out visiting her mother for some reason and I'm stuck to attend meetings and hear petitions from people along with Bill.

Later though, I'm off the hook and I can write back to everyone.

After a few more announcements, we are all dismissed and Bill brings me to his office. Alex follows behind but stays outside the door as normal.

"Just stay in here for an hour or two while we wait for the meeting."

"I could go somewhere else to wait if I bother you?"

He puts up his hand as if to dismiss my thought.

"I'd like you to stay here, if you dont mind."

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