Chapter 21

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They were excited to start their first class with Mr. Ronald, it is obvious he was their favorite teacher; he brought them all small gifts, Hershey chocolate bar for each one of them.

Yet again he was easy with his classes, unlike the other teacher who had assigned them with homework from day one, Mr. Ronald just sat down reading poetry with them, introducing them to the new semester.

It was time for Dylan to read in front of the class, he took the stand with his acting and reading matched in one class, he acting all the poems by Oscar Wilde; gasping, wailing and making the class fall in burst of laughter.

Mr. Ronald stood in the back of the room joining the student's in laughter, until Dylan fell, they all laughed even harder thinking he is doing it as part of the play.

Mr. Ronald stopped laughing when Dylan did stood up after a long minute, John and Noah were also a bit concern at the sight, without thinking Noah called for Dylan, he didn't answer.

Immediately Noah got up rushing to Dylan's side, trying to shacking his friend to wake up to no avail 'Dylan stop it this isn't funny' Mr. Ronald said as the students laughter died down.

'Mr. Ronald, He passed out' Noah said, they all gasped, Mr. Ronald rushed to his aid, he lightly tapped his face but he didn't move. Mr. Ronald picked Dylan from the Floor rushing out of the door to the nurse room, his friends all followed.

After few minutes of resting Dylan woke up in the nurse room, confused to how he got there, urounded by his friends looking down on him just like him, they all looked confused but also scared.

He chuckled 'I thought there are fairies in heaven what is this?'

They all laughed at his comment and moved as he sat on the bed holding his head 'what happened?'

'You fell, you were reading and you fell, are you okay?'

He shrugged 'I don't know, really. I think I didn't eat enough this morning?'

The nurse came in 'oh, you are awake. Good, how you feeling? You hit your head pretty hard, Mr. Ronald told me.'

'I think I do have a bit of headache from that but I am good' Dylan explained, he thought it is a passing by headache that will be gone by the next few hours. He was wrong, for the rest of the day his headache kept coming and disappearing for a moment.

It wasn't a painful headache but it wasn't good also, he didn't think much of it and let it the last thought on his mind, avoiding it was the best idea he came up with. And for a while he kept his mind of it by reading.

That night they decided to not just to be safe, Dylan thought otherwise but Henry wasn't listening to any of it. Dylan was glad that Henry didn't listen to him that day, because of the rest of the night Dylan felt sick with the pain of headache, he felt soo sick to the point he vomited twice before eventually falling asleep.

Dylan couldn't be much happier to wake up with no headache and no pain at all, in fact he felt way too energetic for his own good. He went around laughing, going back to his normal self, it felt as if he never had any pain earlier yesterday. His day went much to his delight.

The drama club have been working on a new play which Dylan himself wrote, it was for Christmas; having much work this year the Welton academy allowed only one play this whole year and that was for Christmas.

The play was supposed to be healed before Christmas break, giving them three months' worth of time to practice.

For the next few days Dylan was busy with planning the costumes, going through everyone's role in the play, one of these days Aiden found the small stage where they performed, so he decided to come in and sit at the back to draw.

O ME, O LIFE! (THE ORIGINAL DEAD POETS SOCIETY MEMBERS STORY)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora