Chapter 20

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'Jessica' Clara whisper yelled throwing a small rock at her room window, waiting in the cold night for her to sneak out. Clara thought it will be a good idea to go for a walk at the middle of the night.

Jessica regretted to take the decision to join, pulling her head out of the window Jessica shushed at Clara to keep it quite because her parents will ground her for life if they saw her sneaking out at midnight, throwing her shoes Jessica climbed out of the window.

'I don't even know why I agreed to this 'Jessica sighed Clara only laughed attaching her arm to her friends' because the night is young and we should go for a walk, why don't we go check on the Welton Boy?'

'NO' Jessica snapped with a gasp.

Clara rolled her eyes 'it is obvious that you got a crush on that Johnny boy.' Jessica felt her cheeks redden 'No, I don't, we just talked once and I don't even know him that much.'

They stopped walking and Clara snorted at her 'yeah, it is not like you talked about him half of our summer break didn't you?'

It was true, Jessica had probably mentioned John's name every other day when she meet up with Clara or talked to her in phone, she also regretted not giving John the address of her house to at least keep in touch with writing letters to each other, you know, to get to know him more.

'I mean okay he is cute but I can't see him like see him.'

He father made it clear that dating is an issue and a problem that she shouldn't date not until she is done with high school, that if she wants to go to college, but if she wasn't accepted in the college, it will be different. She didn't want to get attach to John and not spend her life with him. Jessica was terrified of love, of course it was a great idea in books and movies but in real life it was a losing game.

You never know how much the other person is into it nor you know their real feelings; it can be the best feeling in the world or the worst lesson you'll ever learn. At the end one of them always leaves first, and that was the thing she didn't want to live through, it was better for her to stand back and have a passing by crush but not live the love that might end up hurting her for the rest of her life.

Not to mention that John wasn't from the same town as her, she didn't know him, nor his family nor his friends or anything about him in that matter.

'But what is the harm in trying to live the romance?' Clara asked.

She shrugged 'I don't know, maybe I don't want to get my heart broken by some rich school boy?'

Clara caught up with her friends steps, throwing her arm around her 'But what if he actually likes you, like really really likes you! You never know he will be your prince charming.'

Rolling her eyes Jessica said 'Yeah, Cinderella had to run away for her prince charming to find her and I am not thinking about running away from my family to find him, besides I have too much work to even think about having a boy around, my homework, my cello'

'Yeah yeah your cello, but think again that boy was literally drooling over you that day when he saw you, why not give him a chance?' It wasn't not obvious for Jessica did notice the way he looked at her but looking at someone with adoration wasn't enough.

The dead poets' rushed their way down the road singing laughing on their way to the cave that's when they heard footsteps in far distance, it came closer and closer. They stopped at the sight of Jessica and Clara walking on the roadside.

'Hey it's Clara' Dylan announced.

'What are they doing out at this time?' Henry chuckled.

Dylan waved calling for them 'Hey! Clara over here.'