Chapter 22

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'How was school?' John asked Jessica standing out of the gate, she shrugged 'It was good, I have exams this week then school is off for Christmas.' Jessica and Clara just finished school, they both decided to stop by and meet the boys.

December came quick this year and the time felt as if it was flying by; however it was only the beginning of the month.

'Christmas break doesn't start till two weeks from now' John said confused.

'Yeah it doesn't but our high school decided to give us month long holiday, I don't know why but they are just like that every year is different.' Meanwhile Clara and Dylan were chatting about his play that he had prepared for Christmas special.

'Henry, aren't you in the play?' she asked catching his attention

He shrugged 'can't do, I like to be in the audience rather than on stage because I will suck at acting.'

She giggled 'well, I would love to see you fail, I mean try.' She knows what she said and it made her giggle more imagining him try to act and miserably fail. She handed the play script back to Dylan 'It is soo good, wish I can attend it.'

Henry turned his head towards her then back at Dylan 'Or, you can attend the play but only if you dress up as a Welton student, I mean you can hide all that hair under a hat can you?'

She was amazed by his idea and ready to be part of it, with raised brow she asked 'and where I'm I supposed to get Welton uniform?' he smiled wide 'Leave that to me.'

'Hey Jessica you wanna see Dylan's play?' Henry asked, earning a confused look from both John and Jessica.

Henry decided to meet up with the girls at their usual cave, he took his extra uniform placed them in his bag to give them to Clara when she will wear, Jessica thought it is crazy idea so did John but the rest thought it will be funny to sneak the girls in for the show.

It will be crowed and the chance of them getting noticed was one in ten; and it they do, then they will think what happens next but for now, the idea of sneaking in Welton Academy seems fun.

Noah had extra uniform that he haven't used so he decided to give it to Jessica, she was bit hesitant with the idea even after Clara assured her it will be okay, she kept thinking there will be something wrong.

The next morning Jessica did her usually routine, getting ready for school, she made sure to hide the Welton uniform in the back of her clothes so her mother will not accidently see it.

She immediately felt something was off by the look of her father's face, he sat in the kitchen table seat with tea cup in front of him; as if he was waiting for her to come down and tell her whatever news that made him have that look on his face.

Jessica took her seat after giving them both a smile 'Your mother mentioned a friend of yours.'

Jessica gasped a bit choking on her tea 'y-yeah?'


Waiting for her father to yell at her Jessica said nothing waiting for her next punishment to come, but it never came. 'I know a Keating, a great line of great people with great history, very decent people.'

He sipped on his tea 'how are you grades?'

'I get my year's card by the end of this month, we just stared exams, I have to do only History and Math left, Papa.'

He nodded 'So when are we seeing this friend of yours?'


He looked at his daughter; she immediately looked at her hands 'I mean why you want to see him?'

'Well, it is good manners to start with and you have a friend we don't know about, you could invite him over to dinner before Christmas break.'

'He doesn't live her papa, he studies here and I don't think he will have the time to join us in a din-'

'The end of this week Friday will be good.'

With that her father got up taking his leave out of the door, not waiting for his daughter nor his wife to say another word. Jessica exchanged look with her mother 'Well, happy he didn't yell about that.' Jessica chuckled at that and continued to have her breakfast. Leaving the thought of asking John to her family dinner at the back of her head, not needing the reminder for it, it wasn't a good idea to tell Clara about it because for the next week all she told Jessica is that she has to take this opportunity.

The day of play came and since it was at night both girls told their parent that they will be spending the evening at each other houses, but in reality they were going to meet up with the Welton boys. Both girls did their best into hiding their short length hair by wearing hats and hiding behind scarf.

They decided to arrive a bit late so they can take their seats in the back without anyone noticing that there are girls in the crowd of Welton students. Noah, Aiden, John, Stanley, Clara and Jessica sat at the back trying to stay away from the light. Aiden kept glancing over the girls and his brother; he thought it was funny how the girls were hiding their face every time someone walked past their seats.

The play began and they focused trying hard to not speak or cheer Dylan from all the way to where they sat, feeling proud of their friend on stage 'He is good' Clara told Henry half way through the show, he saw the proud look of a friend in her eyes, the play had some humor in it causing the six friends kept laughing over and over.

By the end of the show they decided to meet with Dylan behind the stage, showering him with praise and cheering; he was amazed with the way Jessica and Clara managed to not get caught with all the crowed outside, mostly it was because no one was giving it much focus into the girls being there, they didn't notice!

They decided to have a little walk before the girls left, on their way home they kept laughing about how they didn't get caught 'hey I will return the clothes to you I just need to wash them' Clara laughed holding the much bigger Welton jacket with her hands.

Henry chuckled shacking his hand in front of his face 'You can keep it, it will remind you of this day.' She laughed but decided to not disagree with the idea, you never know it might help her for other times.

Jessica held the hat in her hand playing with the edge of it 'Hey John can I ask you something?'

He nodded walking beside her 'I-uh would you like to join me and my family at dinner this Friday? It is okay if you don't wan-'

'YES!' it came out as a loud exclaimed but he felt embarrassed and chuckled 'I mean yes, sure I would love to!'

She chuckled feeling relived 'I, yeah, great. That would be great.'

Henry turned his head towards Clara and jokingly asked 'when will you invite me to dinner with your family?'

She gasped fake 'are you proposing?' and following her joke her kneeled faking to hold a box of ring 'Marry me Juliet.' Clara faked another gasp 'I can't Romeo, my papa will murder you.'

The night went well; all the boys went to their rooms away from the eyes of the school guard. Unaware of what Dylan was going through.

Around four in the morning he got up to head to bathroom because his coughing was not stopping, trying to not awake Aiden, Dylan held his over his lips as he cough over and over, the headache had returned.

Releasing his hand from his lips Dylan looked at his hands covered in thick blood, his reflection on the mirror was his lips covered in blood, the pain shot through his head once again not letting him comprehend what was happening; he knew nothing about the reason but he knew one thing, this wasn't good.

The pain was too much to handle he collapsed on the bathroom floor, on his knees, not sure what to hold, his head that was shooting painful stings or his throat that felt like burning. Hot tears slipped on his cheeks and he wordlessly cried.

O ME, O LIFE! (THE ORIGINAL DEAD POETS SOCIETY MEMBERS STORY)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin