Chapter 5

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Everything went well for the past three years.

Their relationship was kept hidden from Mori and it was going quite well until he found out.



I was walking to Mori's office when I saw a familiar redhead standing by the door of the Port Mafia Building.

It seemed like he noticed me and had looked around as if he was trying to sneak something and smirked when he saw no one was around but me.

He smiled softly and ran to me, hugging me so tight that we almost fell to the floor.

It was a windy day out so me and his hair were quite messed up from the wind.

I patted his head to signal I wanted him to let go and he did.

His hair had danced like the flames of a burning forest. So elegant and graceful.

He was so beautiful.

"Going somewhere?" He asked gleefully. He was adorable like this.

"Yeah. I'm going to Boss's office. He called me and I don't wanna be late." I answered, putting my hand on top of his head to pat it again.

"Okay then! I'll be waiting for you here, okay?"


As I made my way down the corridors, I had seen Mori's door.

I had knocked and entered and had seen him throwing scalpels at a round dart target with Elise drawing beside him.

"Ah, Dazai," he greeted me coldly, staring daggers into my eyes.

I glared back.

"How have you been doing?" He continued, throwing a scalpel to my forehead unexpectedly.

If I hadn't had caught it in time, I would've been hit and died right there.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I know about your relationship with Chuuya." He hissed.

"What relationship? And with that bastard?" I asked coldly, not showing any form of emotion.

"Don't lie." He demanded. "I've seen the way you act towards each other."

"So, what if I am dating him?" I interrogated. "It's not that big of a deal."

"I can't have an executive dating a non-executive. Especially since your 'love' for each other will weaken you in battles." He claimed. Those words pissed me off.

"Okay, and? No one cares." I hissed at him, throwing back the scalpel.

It would've hit him if he hadn't used Vita Sexualis in the last minute.

He had sent it after me in such a quick pace I couldn't do anything about it.

Once I was pinned I had nullified his ability but I didn't see him launch at me.

His scalpel blade was pointed to my neck.
One wrong move and it would be bye-bye world for me.

His blade was being pushed in deeper. Blood was dripping down my chin like light rain.

"If you don't break up with him, it'll be bye-bye world for you." He threatened.

"Just don't touch Chuuya." I rasped out.

He let go and I had been coughing rapidly as I was being held on chokehold a few seconds earlier.

"Leave this organization, then." He growled.

"And if I don't?"
"Then it's bye-bye Chuuya."

I had agreed to leave the Mafia. I had to. It was for him.


I was packing my things until I heard a knock on my office door.

"Dazai..?" A familiar voice called out to me.
I knew who it was so I allowed him to enter without hesitation.

"Will you come back?" Chuuya mewled, his eyes never meeting mine.

But I knew he was looking at me.

"I will. Don't worry, we'll see each other again. I promise you, I'll come back." I had stated.
I didn't care if I came back hurt. I just wanted to come back to Chuuya.

I wanted to come back to what was mine.

"But what if-"

I didn't allow him to continue that sentence. Instead, I looked at him with as much fondness I could put into my facial expression and smiled the best I could.


I then pulled him into a soft kiss to try and comfort him. It seemed like it worked.

I pulled away and stared into his eyes.

Those beautiful fucking azure eyes.

He buried his face into my chest and I hugged him tight.

I kissed his head and sat us both down on the office sofa, making sure he was comfortable.

"What if I don't see you again..?" He mumbled. I could feel tears flowing from his sapphire eyes.

I held his chin and gently made him look up.
I kissed his forehead and reassured him it would all be alright.

I managed to get him to fall asleep and whispered a small "I love you" to him.

It was our last "I love you" to each other before I left the Mafia.

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