Chapter 24

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September Twenty-sixth, the day of their wedding. Everything was lively. Guests arriving every now-and-then, people's voices ringing inside the church, and decorations blowing softly from the wind entering the premises.

Soon later, the church bells rang and the ceremony began.
The church's doors opened, revealing
a certain brunet in a white suit, blue flower pin attached, and his hair tucked behind his ear.
Chuuya's eyes widened as he saw his Snow White enter the vicinity, proud and tall.

Dazai strut into the church, proudly following the flower kids, and stopped at the altar, facing his Prince Charming.


Minutes passed and everyone was smiling at the soon-to-be wed couple. Soon, the priest asked, "do you, Chuuya Nakahara, take Osamu Dazai, as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do," said Chuuya, facing Dazai happily.
"Do you, Osamu Dazai, take Chuuya Nakahara, as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest repeated. "I do." Dazai said happily, facing Chuuya.

Yosano went up to the altar, giving a reading leading to the vows part of the ceremony.

"We do," the two said in unison.
They said their vows, and the rings were ready to be put on.

"I can't believe I'm marrying you right now," Chuuya whispered as he put the ring on Dazai's finger.
"Oh, come on now, Chuuya. You know you like that fact." Dazai softly teased, winking at Chuuya as he put the ring on the ginger's finger.

"You may now kiss the bri—" The priest spoke, interrupted by the sound of a gunshot.

Silence after the sound had echoed in the room, confusing the guests.


"Nobody move a goddamned muscle!" A gruff voice boomed. A tall, tan-skinned man had entered the church, accompanied by a woman in black. The man held a beretta whilst the woman held a shotgun.

Guests turned their heads to the Church's main entrance and upon sight of the intruders—they knew what'd happen.

"Oh my—seriously? On our wedding day?" Dazai sighed, looking at them before face-palming himself.
"Come on, Slug. Let's just get this over w—" Bang.

The priest had been shot.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
More people were shot.

The two were shocked—the priest was dead? Yosano, Ranpo, Kenji, Kyuusaku, Kouyou, and Gin were dead?

They were stunned. Wide-eyed. What had just happened? They didn't understand. They couldn't move. It was as if they were chained down.

"Chuuya—" Dazai turned his head to face him, but saw that he was going in for a gravitated punch to the intruding duo.
"Chuuya, no—!" He exclaimed, rushing to the ginger.

Gunshots were firing everywhere, people were getting injured, blood seeped from the corpses to the floor, and Chuuya's grunts in effort to land a hit—which were successful—echoed through the room.

It was a mess.

Then it sounded.





Dazai stared at the body wide-eyed with tears filling his eyes.

"Chuuya?" He called out, seeing the somewhat lifeless body on the floor.
"Chuuya, what— What happened, how are you—how did you get hit?" He asked.

Then he realized.
He accidentally touched Chuuya's hand when the gunshot fired.

"No, no, no, no—"
He dropped to the floor, his chest burning in pain. He was shot, too.

The man and the woman both left the church as per ringing of Police Sirens hastily, and left a bloodied mess within the walls.

Dazai clenched his chest hard but remembered that Chuuya could still be possibly alive.

With all of his remaining strength, he crawled to Chuuya with heavy breaths and held his hand, and gave a sigh of relief when it was still warm. Faint breathing, that's all. But it was still fatal.
Dazai cupped Chuuya's cheek, and put his lips against his, sealing their fate together.

With his final breaths, he'd muttered; I love you.




A white room. The beeping of a heart monitor. The sunset.

That was all Chuuya would see lately.

A sunset, sunrise, night time, things that Dazai'd love. But Dazai wasn't there. Dazai is dead.

He stared up at the ceiling, seeing nothing but white and the faint light of the setting sun.
Tears welled in his eyes as he remembered the day that was supposed to be their happiest.

Tears fell delicately on his porcelain skin as he shut his eyes and took in heavy breaths.

"Shitty Dazai," he muttered. "You shouldn't have died that day. I didn't even get to kiss your stupid lips." He continued.

Tears continued to fall like soft rain as he drowned in his sorrow.

I love you.


We'll Still Be TogetherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz