Chapter 22

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Two months had passed and the soon-to-be-married couple had kept planning and planning their wedding, and bickered in the process.

Teasing, insulting, anything they used to do together in the PM, they did now. The two adored and bathed in the nostalgia of their routine, only, they were to be betrothed.

One day, as they were planning their wedding again because they wanted their big day together to be perfect, their bosses from their separate organizations had called them in.

Arriving at their own organization buildings, they'd both asked one thing: Why were we called in?

The two men of the Highest Position in their own groups explained to them what the reason was; a joint mission.



"A joint mission? With whom?" Dazai asked, obviously knowing who it had to do with. "It's the Port Mafia again, isn't it?"

"Yes, Dazai," replied the silver-haired male. "The Guild had decided that they'd take Kyūsaku again for their own foolish needs."

"Ah, again?" Asked Dazai.
"Yes, again."  Fukuzawa answered.

"I'll get to it."
"Go along."



"Another joint mission? And with the Detective Agency?" Chuuya inquired.

"Yes, Chuuya-kun. The Guild took Q again." The pedophile explained.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, the ginger with the short stature replied, "I'll get to it".



The two met up in the evening at seven and got Q away from the building he was kept in.

"Alright, that's that. Come on, Chibikko. Let's get back to the Port Maf-"


A loud sound came up from behind them.

A tree seemed to have fallen.

Dazai and Chuuya walked up to it, scanning the fallen tree for anything.

"It's just a normal tree." Chuuya proposed, bending down and putting a hand out to touch the bark.

The moment Chuuya put his hand out, something felt wrong to Dazai.

The ginger put his hand onto the tree bark and almost immediately did it react.

The bark darkened to black. The leaves became black. Everything that was once the tree was turned into ashes black as coal.

"Nope, I take that back," Chuuya jumped, startled. "Definitely not a normal tree."

"Stay on your guard, Chuuya." Dazai prompted. "An enemy must be near."

Just then, after a few seconds of silence, more trees—more plants—had darkened and became ash.

"What the hell?" Chuuya hissed, lifting up a leg to get a good look of the ground below.

Chuuya lifted his head quickly at the sound of entertainment from behind the ashes of the forest.

Stiffled but audible giggling which escalated into cackling, and cackling which became laughter of joy.

Then a glow of yellow came to be mid-air and a gun had appeared.

The trigger was pulled four times, and the firearm had shot four bullets.

The two went out of the way in an attempt to avoid the bullets, but Dazai had gotten a scrape.

Humming could be heard from the forest but they paid no mind.

The gun disappeared along with the glow of yellow, and no other shots had come out.

The humming on the other hand, had not stopped.

The humming got louder, and louder, and louder, until....


"Who's there?!" Dazai yelled out, stealing Chuuya's knife.

A chuckling voice made it clear that whatever was lurking was near.

"Stand down, bandaged freak."

The familiar voice had Chuuya to tell Dazai to stand down.

"Chuuya, what are you saying?" Dazai questioned, eyes narrowing.

"Just let me handle this," whispered Chuuya.

"You've grown since I had 'died', Chuuya."

"Just come out already, coward." Chuuya demanded.

"Now is not the time for games."

A man of ginger hair and baby blue eyes came out. He wore a set of green and black, with a holster for a blade attached to his belt which also had a chain.
He wore a dull green mask, and had his hair in a ponytail.

When he'd appeared from the shadows, the short one's eyes had widened.

Tears welled in the ocean blue eyes of who we knew as Nakahara Chuuya.




"Yeah, yeah. I get it. I'm back, you start crying, but now isn't the time. The Demon and the Clown are here." Moriko explained, putting his arms behind his head.

"Jeez, you made me a crying mess when you died. Wait, did you die? How are you even alive?"
"Just focus on the enemy."

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