Chapter 20

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We were waiting for the Agency members to arrive at the ruins of Mukurotoride (Yes we chose this area), and the others were casually talking about until I had seen a figure lurking from the mostly cleared out rubble.

I brushed it aside and proceeded to lean on what was left of a support beam.

The rubble was floating in the air and being put neatly into piles thanks to my ability.

Akutagawa and Kaiji were in charge of turning the rocks and boulders into smaller pieces so it'd be safer.

It was around four in the afternoon so we'd have enough time until they'd arrive.

It was now seven-thirty in the evening and we were all having a good chat with some drinks and snacks Higuchi, Gin, Yosano, and Hirotsu-san brought along.

We were all having a good time until Dazai got up for no reason with a cold expression on his face and sighed.

"Dazai? Where are you going?" I asked, my eyebrows doing that thing when asking a question.

"Just somewhere. Don't mind me." He told me.

"If you get kidnapped or some shit then yell for help, got that?" I retorted.
"And bring this, at least."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the knife." He held the knife in the air, turning his back and leaving.

We all continued to talk but I still had a suspicion.

"I'm going after him." I spoke, getting up and activating my ability to float in the air and follow him.

He went to this part that was concealed with rocks and some more rubble that didn't get fully broken down, and he stopped.

"The hell is goin' on here?" I muttered.

I had myself fall down slightly to hear what he was saying to those rocks.

"You can come out now."

Who was he talking about?

That was when I saw a familiar hat and cape.

He was meeting up with Fyodor.

But why him? What's going on?

Then I heard Dazai suddenly speak.

"Do you have the thing?" He asked.

"Of course. They cost quite an amount of bloodshed." Fyodor replied, giving Dazai some sort of small box.

What thing was it? What's in the box? What's he planning?

"Thanks for helping me get this set up, but you know you only had to pay and not to kill." Dazai told him.

"Well, the more drama, the more entertainment." Fyodor chuckled.
"But, nevertheless, congratulations. I wish you the best of luck, my friend."

"I don't understand why you're calling me your friend or why you're helping me, but thanks." Mackerel spoke.

Then that bandaged suicidal maniac decided to go back with the box being put in his pocket, and it left me to wonder.

What was he planning?

A/N: Hi, it's me, ChuuyasBrotherMoriko, I just wanted to change my username to something else but here's a short chapter. I'll be continuing my break now, cya

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