Chapter 2

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"A million thoughts in my head, should I let my heart keep listening?"
Guess the song!
Answers will be at the end of this chapter ;)


As I looked straight into that dimwit's eyes, I had realized something was off about him.

Then I noticed his eyes.

Instead of that usual cold or annoying glare, they looked as if they were hungry.

They looked as if they were yearning for something they couldn't get a hold of.

"Okay, why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him, frustration and slight confusion could be heard in my voice.


He said my name.

He said my name as if I was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on.

He put his hand on my face to cup my cheek. His thumb caressed my lips softly.

I have to admit, I do like him, but it's not that important. He's just so annoying that I love it.
He's a dimwit. He's genuinely a dimwit. But he's my dimwit.

"Oi, earth to idiot, did you forget about the mission?" I snapped at him, pushing his hand away from my face.

He didn't listen to me and just sighed once he realized his hand wasn't on my cheek anymore.

"Let's go. We don't want to be late." He groaned. It was quiet, but I could hear it clearly.

But seriously, why did he look at me like that and why did he cup my cheek when he hates me?


Dazai and I were at the place where we were supposed to be.

While he was discussing a form of attack to gain info from The Underdogs (a stupid name for an organization, really), I was unconsciously staring at that dimwit and was somewhat admiring him while he was being serious.

It was somehow attractive.

"Oi, Chuuya, you okay?" A voice called out to me.

I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and replied with a "Yeah?".

"You were staring at me." That stupid bastard had pointed out. "What were you thinking?" He asked me with that stupid grin that I somehow adore.

"I was thinking about how stupid you looked when you're so serious." I lied.

Stupid Chuuya! I wasn't supposed to say that!

"Okay then. Come on, we need to go." He said, grabbing my arm.

I asked him in an angry whisper ok why he grabbed my arm so roughly but he replied with a you-know-what-to-do type of look.
He was lucky because I knew what he meant.

As I stood up and went to the people who looked like the guards, I had all these thoughts gushing through my head non-stop while feeling this weird fuzz in my heart.

The thoughts were about that dimwit.



As Chuuya walked to the enemies, I had this odd, fuzzy, and warm feeling in my heart. I get it, Chuuya looks nice, but what's this feeling got to do with him?

A million thoughts were in my head.

Those thoughts were about Chuuya.

As I watched as Chuuya took the stage and mercilessly kill the guards by increasing their density and crushing them, I had realized something.

No one could ever be as breathtaking as Chuuya.

That grin he gets when he kills someone. That stupid laugh he let's out when he uses corruption. The way he uses his ability; Everything about him is breathtaking.

I wish he felt the same way I do towards him.

Then I heard someone call my name.

"Hey, Dazai-san, why do you stare at Chuuya-san with hearts in your eyes?" The blonde boy asked me.

His name was Kunikida.

"Oh, um, it's probably something in my eyes." I had lied to him.

Stupid Dazai! You should've said something more reasonable!

"Now just watch. This is the interesting part." I said, never taking my eyes off of Chuuya's beauty.

It was as if I was in my own world as I admired him.

Chuuya Nakahara, the most breathtaking and the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on.

The answer is "If Only" from Descendants! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter haha! Please leave a comment so I can improve in the future :)

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