Chapter 47

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Evan tugged at his clothes. He was gaining weight. His clothes were strangling him with the damn elasticity.  Being an Albino didn't help either. He already had a sensitive skin to begin with. He gave a sigh, deciding that he'd finally had enough. He took off his clothes and searched Kevin's side of the Cabinet. He missed Kevin so much.

"Huh, you better be worth everything little brat" Evan chastised as he took out a large shirt from his mate's clothes and put it on.

He huffed an annoyed sigh as he walked back and sat down sinking into the chair. He growled in annoyance and folded his arms across his chest, "He is taking so long today, Say brat, Don't be like your father okay. He needs to get his priorities straight."

"Talking to the baby, are you?." Stefan asked from the door. He looked freshly out of shower.

"Yeah, because the father chose to work instead of coming home."

"You can talk with me."  Stefan grinned at him. "Maybe I can help you out with the baby names."

Evan blinked in surprise as he stared at his brother-in-law. Evan felt like they haven't talked since ages. He was behaving too withdrawn. Even if Evan tried to initiate a conversation at some point point Stefan drew the line

"What's up with you today?"

Stefan rolled his at Evan, "Come on, you don't need to be so grumpy."

"I am not grumpy.You ignored me for days, I won't talk to you now."

"Be grateful Kid." Stefan said walking inside the room and laying gown on the bed. "Kevin may lock you up when you will actually start showing, I may not be there, even if you cry."

"As if!." Evan laughed, "Are you okay? I know there is something going on. Kevin won't tell me anything."

"Oh, I thought you knew." Stefan a shrug, "I am breaking the bond with Sebastian"

"Is it Kevin's fault?."

"You knew?"

"I could feel his hostility from miles, not exactly hostility but his jealousy"

"Me too, I could feel it all"

An awkward silence followed after that.

"Do you actually want to?" Evan asked a little nervously

"Don't know?" Stefan said, "But I think, I would be able to manage that, it would be official, though it's not possible to earse a bond, but we will have the will to stay away from each other."

"Yeah besides you can get back together whenever you like, it's only papers,you can always burn them." Evan said with a cheeky grin while Stefan rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, thanks but no thanks. I will manage. This is what I want for now Evan"

Evan gave a smile, "Yes, Whatever you want Stefan, we are always with you."

"Jeez, behaving so mature now, are you? ."

Evan laughed. He enjoyed talking with Stefan. He had been worried about him for so long. And he always wanted the best for him and that's the truth. As much he loved Kevin, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with his mate and his growing family. He couldn't imagine Kevin hurting him like Sebastian did to Stefan. They already had so many rough days. But seeing Stefan, it felt so little on his part. So he decided that he would support Stefan as much as he could.

"Its time for your sleep" Stefan muttered getting up.

Evan looked up at Stefan and found giving him a fond smile, Evan took a deep breath and smiled back. "Okay."

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