Chapter 64

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Stumbling out a little Markian looked at his Alpha and the rest of the people he called family.  He looked up and saw Kevin lunging at the still dazed Dellert. Evan ran beside him suddenly they were both running to attack. But Markian couldn't take it any more. That Alpha was his mate. And he was going to be killed.


"Please Stop, He is my mate."

'What?!' Devon's voice boomed out.

'Markian?' Evan asked stopping, but Kevin didn't stop. He rushed forward and pinned the Alpha to the ground.

"He is my mate."

'What the hell?' Devon muttered to no one in particular.

Dellert still kept on struggling onas Kevin kept him pinned to the ground. But there was a change, as if he could no longer ignore Markian's presence.

From what the Albino omega could tell was, the Ravager King looked confused too. As if he is trying to resist everything, hoping some physical manifestation capable of warding off everything that has been going on will pop out.

In fact he looked like he wanted to die instead of facing his mate, much to everyone's annoyance.

Kevin didn't have to use force anymore, the mere presence of Markian kept Dellert pinned to ground. And he stopped struggling and the only thing keeping him from pouncing at Markian was Kevin's presence, pressing him lightly.

Despite the heated tension between Markian and Dellert, Kevin couldn't trust Dellert not to kill Markian, Although he looked like he had gotten a better hold on emotions, pondering his confusions and coming to conclusions. Kevin still couldn't take the risks.

Markian isn't stupid and certainly isn't naïve enough to believe that everything will proceed smoothly.

He had seen enough from mate to know that he would try to stir up the fight again, now he was just rendered speechless, that his mate was just a few meters away from him, that too belonging to the enemy Pack. Still Markian couldn't give up on his monster of a mate. He is ready to live a life of hardship if it meant he got to be with Dellert. It took his everything to come to that conclusion.

So he kindly spoke to Evan. Suppressing his fear and agitation. He asked as politely as he could, ignoring the urge to run to his mate and stand between Kevin and Dellert. But all he could do was cast his eyes downwards. And request to spare his mate's life. And that's all that mattered.

"Evan, Kevin" Markian spoke with a small smile.

"I know it's not making any sense, and he is in the wrong, still I am begging you not to kill him," he cried.

"Markian,"Evan whispered, his eyes darting to still pinned Dellert and then again at Markian. "Are you sure?." he asked softly.

Markian only tilted his head in annoyance. "What are you talking about, ofcourse I am sure or else I wouldn't be here"

"Spare him, for me, I had served the pack with my outmost sincerity, so please don't kill my mate infront of me." He spoke and fell onto his knees. "I know you can't trust him, but trust me, Let his remaining members and him go. And we will go away from here. I promise I will do everything so that he won't repeat this again."

"You…wish to leave the pack and go with him?" Kevin asked. Markian just nodded in response.

"Yeah, let's be realistic…...he won't stay here." Dellert tensed at Markian's words.

"Will you be okay?" Kevin asked his betraying nothing. He looked resigned. And Dellert glanced over at Markian, who looked pained.

"Yeah.....and I wish to follow him,"Markian said. "The way everything had happened…we just can't stay here, Even if he kills me later, I will go with him " At those words, Dellert pushed Kevin away and stood up.

The other wolves watched him walk towards Markian with an unreadable expression on his face. He pulled his mate up.

"Let's go" he whispered.

"Wait, we can't just let you walk away Dellert" Devon spoke,

"Let them go" Evan sighed and turned back to Devon.

"Being here isn't good for us. This will too much.  Even if they accept him as my mate, Dellert will be tormented with his fallen pack members as well as his murders " Markian scratched at the back of his neck, almost as if he was ashamed to even suggest anything "I don't wish that for him. I had frozed during your fight. I still don't know if I am making the right choice, still I can't leave him." He huffed a humorless laugh. "I'm sure you've noticed I haven't quite been myself. I am scared, so scared, I had never thought of leaving my pack untill now." Markian looked at Dellert and everyone present there could tell that his heart was aching. "And Dellert…I am going against my pack, it's terrifying, but I am choosing you. I know you went through pain, but let's stop. Let's leave behind everything. And when we walk out from this territory. You walk out as my mate." Markian turned his gaze back to Evan, though Evan could see the distant look in his eyes. "So?."

Devon's shoulders slumped. Celine and Karina were still in their wolf forms. Remaining out of the conversation.

Kevin couldn't stand to see his friend and Gamma looking so defeated.

"If you made that decision I can't stop you," he said gently. "But our packs is not so fragile that one can defile so easily, I can't let you walk out with your mate as if nothing happened." Kevin walked and  stood infront of Markian and Evan. "We will show mercy, and that would be because of you Markian, till then the Ravagers will be imprisoned."

Markian let out a heavy sigh, as if relieved. "Thankyou, Alpha, Luna."

Kevin nodded at Evan and shouted
"The war has ended, treat everyone injured, irrespective of the affiliations, treat them and put them in the cells with the other traitors"

Then he looked at Markian " Stay in your quarters, in isolation till a decision is made".

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