Chapter 35

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Sebastian was so confused. He felt like he was going to do something that he would regret later.

He had to meet one of the Ravagers. If things go as planned then the peace, the false reality, that Kevin held onto so tightly, so desperately, would shatter.

Sebastian watched Stefan crouch infront of the children of the White Carnation Pack. For some reason they kept flocking him. As he giggled with them. And he looked so happy.

He'd be heartbroken with the disappearance of the Demon. Sebastian could tell. He was already attached to him. It will be painful for him.

With a grim sigh, he stepped back and sat down at the cornered chair hiding in the safety of the shadows.

He pursed his lips, uneasy. Not only Stefan. Kevin would be devastated. He will loose his mate. What if he doesn't leave his side?. And Stefan. He doubts Stefan will abandon Evan.

Sebastian couldn't save everyone, could he just save Kevin?. Maybe ask him out for some work and delay everything. Till the Ravagers have gone?

The thought took hold, and he paused, what about Stefan. Sebastian felt his heart constrict at the thought. No he couldn't let his friends die. Steven, Stefan, Kevin

But how? How was he going to keep them out of the way? And how was he going to explain it afterward?

Shaking his head, Sebastian silently sunk more into his seat, watching his mate who had spent half a decade with him. Hoping for nothing just staying by his side. Sebastian couldn't look at him without feeling guilt.

Steven's question had shooked him. He may not love Stefan but he had cared for him. As a friend. As Kevin's little brother. And as an Omega. He didn't want to hurt him again. But he had failed to notice that he was hurting him all along.

When the night fell. Sebastian woke up midsleep. He sneaked out of the room and walked towards the forest.

A tiger was waiting in a small clearing. Sebastian stiffened. He had never seen any other beastmen other than foxes and coyotes until now. It was a first time for him. And the aura the other was giving out didn't helped much. Sebastian felt intimidated.

Normally, Sebastian didn't feel nervous even going into a battle. But now, well. He was.

Firstly, because if things went wrong he would probably die. He could take on this monster but he doubts he came alone. And then the pack might maybe also be annihilated. So, no pressure.

"Beta Sebastian of The Nightshade pack?" The man asked as he shifted to his human form. Sebastian scowled at him.

"Yes. And you are? I didn't get a name" he shot back, and the rolled his eyes

"Like we would disclose it so quick."

Sebastian snorted. "What do you want with us, exactly, you could have just slaughtered everyone including the Demon." he asked

"And risk awakening the Demon's beast side?" he asked with a raised brow. Sebastian still cannot comprehend how the naked man didn't even bother to cover himself. It was not like Sebastian hadn't shifted in front of other people. Still he covers himself right away. Are all the Ravagers like him? He shuddered at the thought.

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