Chapter 58

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Like the rest of village, the dungeon Cells had been built with sophistication. Currently, it could hold every rogue in the proximity. But for now it proved to be the safest place for the injured. Healer Amber and her assistants were already there in closed cells treating the injured. Even the gaurds were helping as much as they could. This had happened in these few months, it was more and more rare, as peace spread in these months. And the Healers buildings and the Cells sat empty, ready for when it would, no doubt, be needed.

So, when the traitors had been identified they were given immediate admission, And Elder Bella of course had her own cell. She just sat and watched the healers work.

When the White Lotus Pack's Alpha's Sister left orders for that cell to be guarded, Elder Bella wanted nothing more than to laugh at her. She was quiet content with everything she did. She watched as the Beta begged and ran to save his mate.

She watched the gaurds talking among themselves, scared and panicked.

They didn’t even look at her as they disappeared down the stairs.

Moments later, there were shouts and footsteps.

A figure appeared carrying a person bridal style along with a kid. Elder Bella mused as she saw them. She smiled as she identified them.

Months, of planning came down to this moment.

Cells were places to hold of criminals, but this. This would be the most momentous event these halls would ever witness.

She watched closely, savoring the moment. A full minute later she saw the figure approach the cell across her. The cell were Beta Sebastian was detained. The two gaurds stood silently on either side of the figure.

The faces were familiar, Steven she had known since birth. And the Demon on his arms, and the brat of an allied Alpha. She knew their names but she didn't bother to remember. And those gaurds, her students. She knew them. And they knew her.

She saw as they bowed deeply and stood gaurding, not uttering a sound. More footsteps came unnaturally loud in the heavy silence.

Inside the cell across her, Healer Amber came running with seemingly endless medical equipment she brought in her bag, and started treating the Demon, still unconscious. The kid stood beside them as a gaurd treated his bleeding scratches. Steven injured was sitting . Awake, with his eyes closed.


“Steven,” Bella said, with a smile. Not able to contain her happiness.

Steven's eyes slid open.

“Elder Bella,” he replied.

He didn’t sound interested, but that was rather expected. He never sounded much of anything when not enraged.

No matter.

She smiled thinly at him.

“I had already told that this was losing war, Why are you all so stubborn, if you had just agreed to kill that thing!!.”

" Is that all?" was his laconic reply.

Her smile didn’t waver in the slightest at his rudeness.

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