Chapter 61

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The slightest shift in the air around him made his heart skip a beat. Dellert made him fling himself hard to the left.

A She-wolf jumped off the low tree trunk, landing before the Alpha who had been leaning on the said tree.

And not half a second before, a figure jumped at him in an attempt to slice through his throat.

There weren’t supposed to be any wolf. So the cause was the rain. His senses had dimmed due to the rain.

Another presence was there, he felt one more presence but it didn't move even a bit. That was the least bit of his worries. But the She-wolfves before him were of Alpha blood. They were strong and Dellert could sense the anger coming right towards him.

The Black she-wolf  flipped out of the way of his talons. And Dellert barely managed to spin out of the way of her claws.

Her Grey partner barely let Dellert attack her as she kept on clawing and biting wherever she could.

Dellert had mere seconds to get his to  dodge them. But it was plenty of time for him.

His elongated massive talons gashed the black she-wolf, as his scaled tail slammed into the incoming grey she-wolf and sent her flying, knocking her from his perch.

The black one most likely the sister of the Albino was there, on his left and she stood up, recovering from the Deep gash.

They clashed, claws  on talons, once, twice. Teeths and tails.

She was good, but Dellert was better. He knocked her away, slicing open her leg open with his talons as he spun.

The air knocked out of her and she coughed in a desperate defense. She felt herself numb.

Dellert felt the bones of her forearm give way beneath his strike, but her ally came to her aid before he could land a finishing blow.

Dellert lept up into the trees, to watch his preys from the above.

“Celine!” the still concious Alpha screamed but still couldn't move. And the other unconscious Alpha was now beside him. It was likely that the other She-wolf had moved him there before she came to her friend rescue.  

The grey she-wolf came beside the other where Dellert had left her, with an opened gash on her leg. She stood protectively beside her partner.

The grey she-wolf was trying to drag the other out of the way with the others, so she could protect them better.

But that wouldn’t do, Dellert aimed his tail towards them and smashed between them, and another two straight towards their faces.

Just as Dellert knew she would, the grey she-wolf looked at the woman, anguished. She didn't wait any second longer and attacked.

And that was what Dellert wanted. He buried his talons into her shoulder, and she screamed before she was thrown towards the concious Alpha. 

And he wailed, Alpha Devon screamed as his mate crashed into his side and charged with all the intellect of a rabid wolf.

Fueled by rage, the injured Alpha shifted. He was still good even with the injuries, far better than before, and was quickly becoming exhausted.

Even then Devon fought back with the precision of years and the war , he ducked the half-reptilwa’s wild swing of his talons that went for his neck, and thrust his own claws forward. The mutant tried to spin, tried to get out of the way, but he was slow and got cut, not too deep and not too shallow. He chuckled knowing he’d injured his target, and Devon retreated to the safety of the trees beside his family.

Dellert shifted back, astonished that a Wolf's claws had pierced his scales, his eyes glazed as he brought a hand up to his neck, but it was too shallow. He won't die from the wound.

But he staggered, he was exhausted.

The brown wolf turned, and walked back to his mate. He stood gaurding her.

And the other unconscious Alpha woke up. He dragged himself towards the Black she-wolf. His knees sunk into the dirt beside her has he laid a bloody hand on her fur coat.

Celine hissed in pain. She felt pathetic,  she was thrown like a twig. She couldn't change a thing.

“Why you have to come?” the Alpha asked, “Why couldn’t you just leave us alone?”

Dellert didn't say anything in return. He saw the wolves dragging themselves to their feet.

Devon supported Karina to stand. And Celine stood beside Kevin. Bloodly and battered, naked without their fur coats. They looked just a feet away from Death. But Dellert felt a prickly sensation. Their still had their will to fight.

“Heh,” Kevin huffed a wet laugh, “You, Bastard, You drove my pack to the corner, and they betrayed me. You instilled fear and so the mutants like you were treated like freaks, You never knew… what it really means… to suffer, like my mate did. Never I won't let Evan walk the path that would brand him as a monster. I will save him even if I have to lose my life. Dellert Alpha of the Ravagers. You are nothing but a brutal killer, you have no right to sully other mutants. So just die already.”

What was he feeling. Dellert couldn't understand. Was it fear? Or anger? How could they get up again again to fight, despite being injured. How could they speak to him with their head held high when they should have been begging him to spare them.  The feeling came back again. He didn't wanted to fight them. He wanted to flee. He was scared of them despite having the upper hand.

But he was stronger than them. So much stronger that people feared him. And all the other mutants needed him. They had called him their "messiah". Surely the Albino would think the same. He just needed to wipe out everyone. And save every mutants.

He was sure the Albino would agree with him. And together they would build a world where the mutants could thrive.

And then he snapped. He let go off the little humanity that was still bound to him. And he screeched.

But the wolves stood unaffected.

Kevin leaped at Dellert but the his enemy was quicker he swung his serpentine tail, and it slammed at him hard.

Kevin winched feeling his bones break.

Devon wasted no time prowling towards the creature stalking forward. Celine and Karina covered for him.

Dellert hissed at them. they were weak still weak. He could still predict their moves.

But the rain had really deemed his senses null. So he wanted kill them as soon as possible.  But he could make any move he was crashed with a force that broke his bones. Dellert was thrown away with the impact. Still crazed with anger he sat up.

He looked towards the source to see the Demon wolf. The Albino standing infront of him.

P.S: Only four chapters left. So sit tight and wait a little. Thankyou.

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