Chapter 18

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Kevin opened his eyes to the sound of his hand transceiver beeping . It was dark, and Evan’s white hair was matted and in Kevin's face. The strands tickled his nose and made Kevin smile. They were cuddled together their bed, limbs a tangled mess around each other after a long steamy night. A sound slightly adjacent from a purr reverberated from his chest. He couldn't remember ever waking up feeling this comfortable, or safe. He felt whole, like he'd found all those missing pieces people talked about in love songs.

His musings were interrupted by the continued beeping of the two-way communicator. Much like the Human Radio recieved. But slightly different. Their technology was limited only to their Packs. It was basically made on the concept of a sensor.

Kevin grumbled before very carefully unwrapping Evan’s arms around his chest and slipping from the bed. It had been tricky to move Evans head from his neck to a pillow without waking him, and for a moment he'd thought he'd failed when the boy had grumbled, because Evan was not a heavy sleeper. For a moment he stood, and watched his mate sleeping peacefully. As he hugged a bolster and mumbled something. Kevin never realized contentment felt so nice. 

He pulled on a pair of pants and made his way to the office attached to his bedroom, making sure Evan was still deeply asleep before he left. 

He pulled the chair and sat down. he’d pressed the button and answered, his mind still groggy from sleep. 

“KEVIN!” Sebastian's voice screamed over the device the moment he picked up. Kevin flinched and covered the it with his hand, cursing the man for being so needlessly loud. Wolf beasts already had heightened senses, and Evan was no different. If he suddenly woke up. He would also be subjected to Sebastian's scream easily. It was early in the morning and Sebastian's voice felt like knife stabbing his ears. He’d rather talk with him later. And also discuss about his brother. But now it felt as if Sebastian was not in his senses. He sounded drunk.

“Sebastian,why are you calling this late at night, Don't tell me you are drunk it's 2 in the morning.” Kevin hissed, trying to remind the other man that it was still night. And he didn't wanted to make it obvious that he was scared that Evan might hear the conversation and find out about that absurd plan. A drunk Sebastian was very unpredictable he might blurt out everything.If he ever did. All the walls that Kevin had tried to break will come back. And he couldn't even imagine how much he will hurt his mate in the process. And he didn't wanted that to happen

“Don’t you take that tone with me! You Stupid Hypocrite? You haven't killed that stupid mate of yours?! It was your plan to begin with.You bastard. How can you do this? You are selfish and biased.You damn wolf” Sebastian replied with full volume. Kevin cursed again and resumed covering the device. He fisted his transciever to try to smother all sound as much as possible. He kept perfectly still as his ears flexed, waiting for even the smallest of sounds. He heard nothing but that didn't mean this conversation wasn't still dangerous with his mate next room.

He bit his lip and looked to the door and listened for another moment before turning back to the transceiver. "Sebastian I know we should have talked about this sooner. I never knew it was weighing on you so much. But Evan is not like that. I admit I was wrong. Listen can we discuss this at the office. I don't want Evan to find out about it."

“Bastard really! You are really a hypocrite. Ever since that tramp came to your life you are like this. It's all that Demon's fault anyway” Sebastian screamed. Kevin was stunned. He didn't know how to react. One side it was his oldest friend wasting away. He wanted to help him. But on the other side. His friend was slandering his mate infront of him. And there was nothing there that could be counted as a lie. His friend was speaking the truth. "Oi , why don't you reply " Sebastian shouted again. Kevin noticed that he still had the screaming phone in his hand, he brought it up to his expressionless face... He wasn’t sure what this feeling in his chest was, but he didn’t like it. Strength flooded from his libs and he felt almost weightless within the deep sorrow. 

“Lets talk about this tomorrow?” Kevin answered robotically, his face vacant and almost slack. He rubbed at his chest, his breath getting shallow and just that his friend words running through his head that wouldn't go the hell away. 

“Oi oi oi aren't you pushing your luck man. You are lucky that I didn't call that stupid mate of yours. What do you think he will do if he gets to know that you originally wanted to kill him!” Sebastian crackled into the device. Kevin sighed.  

He sighed, trying to remain calm and shove down whatever disgusting thing he was feeling go away. He wanted nothing more that to tear his friend apart.But that was not the solution.

“Sev listen to me ” Kevin’s voice cracked and just like that he wanted to destroy something. “Sebastian you are not sober let's talk about this when you come to your senses.!” Kevin snapped.

“And till than Shut the fuck up about Evan. So what if I originally planned to kill him. He is my mate It's not your goddamned business!” Kevin hung up. 

The sound of a gasp and feet scurrying away made Kevin’s heart leap into his throat. Two separate kinds of fear raged in his mind. The contrasting feeling of killing his friend , and fearing about world without mate made him pause for a second too long. He didn’t think, just went sprinting out of his office to the bed room. He threw open the bedroom door only to find the curtains billowing, the window open. No Evan… He was gone. 

Kevin gritted his teeth, Evan’s sleeping face flashed through his mind and caused that damn tightness in his chest to strangle him. The pain was overwhelming now. He clutched his chest as it felt like ripping apart. Oh how he wanted to take all the pain away from his mate. But he ended up giving him more.He let out a strangled shout and threw the transciever. The sound of breaking not taking away the anger and mental fog rolling over his mind. 

Kevin slumped heavily, everything just too much, even the weight of his own body. He’d really messed up… “I guess you will leave me now baby. I am sorry I let you down”He spoke softy. He screamed again as he felt his mates pain resonate.

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