Chapter 2

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Kevin didn't knew why but whenever he could. He would look across the battlefield and see a stupid and dumb smile, not the large black wolf from whom he should protect Steven and Stefan. His both brothers being Omegas always brought forward his protective nature out.

Devon himself was known to be dangerous but some part of him still believed his friend wasn't a monster unlike the Demon, no matter what everyone said. And he still belived that someday they can form an alliance and have peace among the packs. There were only three wolf tribes in the vicinity. White Carnation Pack. White Lotus Pack and the Nightshade pack. They had two more neighbouring packs. Crimson Desert Pack and the Foxglove Pack unlike the three these two packs were Coyotes and Foxes. But they were not at war at the moment.

While the monster, The white demon on the other hand, well, he was without a doubt the closest thing to a nightmare that Kevin had ever seen. Unfeeling was a word made for him. Battle seemed to wash over the wolf. Calculations without feeling.

His brothers hated him.His packmates were terrified of him. Kevin himself feared him, The peace that he dreamed. The alliance that he wanted to achieve can only be true if the Demon died. Peace should be without him. He just had to wait for Devon to ascend. He was sure his friend was still there. And later he himself would take care of that Demon Spawn.

Soon news reached that Alpha Kent Rickson has passed away at the age of 51 from heartattack. He was overjoyed. At last he can achieve his dream. His Alliance. But he felt the ache in his heart again. Sure enough his mate belonged to the enemy pack no doubt he had smelt his mate on Devon years back.That thought made his decision even more satisfying.But was that enough to wash away half a century of blood spilt on both sides? Devon would too think so he was sure of it, in all of his naivety, but Kevin didn't trust the people with him, the woman Celine, Devon's sister with a perpetual sneer of hatred and the disdainful pride of the White Demon . People like that didn't want peace. They wanted blood. But he hoped he would get to talk with Devon. It was enough. He was getting tired. Rouge attacks were also increasing. And he wanted formidable allies. If not their pack would cease to exist.

A few days later. It was just another day. And another battle. The rocky plain beneath their feet had been left desolate. His mate was here. After years of the phantom aching he was relatively certain his soulmate was here on the field with them, one of enemies that he was supposed to fight.

He hadn't found them yet, for all that he'd looked. There were over four hundred members in the enemy pack and he didn't know all of them, but simply didn't have the time to haunt their steps looking for any sign. Still, every time he fought in the war, he felt his heart pound with weary. But his mate was rarely injured, if ever at all. They were strong after all

He hoped he'd find them soon. Before this war killed them all. A useless war. When they could have joined hands long ago and fought of the common enemies. He just wanted this to end. For his brothers. For his mate.

And then he faced Devon. The large black wolf. But his friend didn't take the advantage as he should. His friend for all that he was embarrassed to admit it, waited for Kevin to attack first before he would continue their charade. Not fighting seriously. They were not able to communicate in their wolf form. But their eyes held promise. They were going to end this.

But something caught in his eye. To the left of where he and Devon were fighting. He saw flashes of white and he looked in horror at his brother, his little brother Steven battered he felt a bloom of unspeakable pain in his side. The phantom sensation was almost enough to distract him from the way the monster now stood above his brother.

Steven was on the ground already in his human form naked. The white Demon stood above him barring his fangs.

He would kill him.

Kevin was about to lose his brother. He quickly shifted in panic.

"Steven"he cried as he felt his heart tear apart.

He was fast, but not that fast. He'd never get there in time.

But the bloodthirsty monster and the thing of Kevin's nightmares, took a step back. And another. Staggered.

Steven tried to sit but was forced back by a powerful Alpha Snarl.He sat back not being able to get up defend to himself.

Kevin decided then and there that no game of pretend was worth his brother's life, and left Devon standing alone, unguarded, he warpped the cloak his beta threw at him and ran to his brother's side. But before he could A brown wolf snarled and hit the monster sending him flying away. It growled and Circled barring it's teeth before turning pack to human. There Celine Rickson stood with her naked glory releasing her Alpha Aura. Steven whimpered. ''Mate" He spoke. Celine smiled down a him. She took the cloth offered to her by her packmate. She warpped it around herself and took another one and came near Steven. She stood over him with a snarl for the Demon who did nothing but stare back with those empty red eyes, face blank from the place he stood. And scooped him up warpped in a cloth.

Kevin stopped in his tracks and gaped. It was a different turn of event. His little brother found his mate

Devon landed between them also dressed , looked at Kevin and then at his sister with one of the two Kevin's weaknesses, securely tucked in his sister's arms. The packs behind him, looked, shocked

"Evan I told you to stop being reckless, you would have destroyed any chance at peace " Devon snapped at the Demon. Who just stared back expressionless. Even in his wolf form.

"Offer your peace,brother, I am taking my little mate home ," Celine said.

Steven looked at his mate with adoration, Kevin was hardly in a position to refuse, and the look in Devons eye said the other man wanted it too.

"Please," Devon begged.

And Kevin felt like being transported to all the good old days with his friend. Then he saw his brother Stefen looking exhausted. His pack tired crippled. He knew it was the right thing to do.

"So you havent changed a bit Devon" Kevin said with a sigh and laughed

"You think I would speak of peace while my brother is being eye fucked?" Kevin hissed, looking disgusted eyeing his brother and soon to be sister in law. In their own world .

Devon opened his mouth to answer, but stopped." Celine you need to give him back. Now"

"You can't do then Devon.'' She said looking dejected "Basically I can I am your Alpha " Devon said with a smug smile.

Celine mumbles something and looks at Steven with so much raw love that it makes the onlooker's blood rush to their cheeks.

"Hey little mate, sorry I have to listen to my brute of a brother, but I promise I will do this perfectly" She says and kisses Steven's forehead who blushed. She lowered him and made him stand. Stefan comes near Steven and they both stand beside Kevin.

Devon shook Kevin's hand, looking hopeful for once, and let them retreat.

#Please do vote if you liked it. I am trying my best. And please mention in the comments about the mistakes. I will be grateful

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