Chapter 26

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Kevin stacked the extra notes he had on the table and waited for everyone except Sebastian to leave.

Sebastian waited for him in room rather quietly than bothering. And when Kevin was done restacking everything.

"What do you wanna talk about?!" Sebastian asked. Acting as if he wasn't bothered but he was clearly bothered.

"I am going say this one last time Sebastian, I hope you seriously take my advice. Evan is my mate and my husband. He is also the Luna of this pack. I will not tolerate anything anymore. He was hospitalized because you had to go on announcing about that wretched plan. Even when I had warned to not mention it again. Still as the issue has been cleared and Evan returned I will let it go. Do not repeat this again." Kevin said hoping that his Beta understands him.

"You're saying that it's my fault that your heard about it? Well he had it comming, it's not like I told a lie" Sebastian said.

Kevin gritted his teeth, he wasn't listening to shit anymore "Sebastian. You may not like this, but you don't actually have a choice. Evan is my mate. It's better you accept it" Kevin said barely controlling himself from lashing out

"He is like a ticking Bomb Kevin, I know it is hard for you as a mate. But you know exactly how the others have turned out to be. They were not meant to be born. I truly sympathise with them. But they always loose their humanity and go on rampage. So they are needed to be Subdued. You know the history Kevin!" Sebastian shouted. This was getting on his nerves.

Kevin went cold, "History? Subdue? Humanity?" he asked lowly,

"Anyone would loose them if they are being treated this way. It not their fault that they look different. I am not in the position to say this. Because I also thought like you. But now I think what if the others who were a little different like Evan. Did they also go through criticism and torture. Well if thats the case then the actual monsters are us" Kevin said as Sebastian sucked in a deep breath. Kevin looked murderous.

"Calm down Kevin, you are losing control." Sebastian said he was uneasy. Kevin looked he wanted to tear him apart.

" Sebastian I am glad that you are thinking about the pack. But I will take care of everything, If Evan posses a threat to the pack in the future I will Kill him myself and then end my own life so be rest assured. I have to leave now " Kevin turned and stormed from the room, he had a mate to see to.

What was the deal with Sebastian. He was never this stubborn. He couldn't help but wonder. Was Sebastian actually jealous of Evan. If he remembered Sebastian used to have a crush on him when they were children. Kevin has always known offcourse and had wished that it would grow out with time. Then what about his brother. They always acted sweet infront of him. Was it always an act. Oh Stefan must hate him. He should have talked with Sebastian from the very first. How could he had been so ignorant.

When reached home. He felt anxious.
He gave himself a good shake before entering their room, he wasn't going to fuck this up he will always chose his mate. Even if it meant dying with him;

Pushing the door open ,entering and seeing Evan sitting by the window with a notebook on his hand was is strange way very calming. He looked like he was writing something.

Turning to look at Kevin Evan asked. "Kevin you returned early, is everything alright?" Kevin sighed,

"Everything is okay, Why didn't you used the connected office. Isn't it difficult to write this way?" He asked as he walked towards his mate.

Evan got up, and walked up to his husband smiling , he looked so beautiful in just his comfort wear he took Kevin's breath way "The view is good here" Evan replied , a soft smile on his lips.

"Yeah but What I meant was you can use my office. I have a lot to talk about but the most important of them is ..... Evan will you go to the packs as an Envoy?"

Instantly all relaxation slid from Evan's face dissapeared. "No" he whispered through lips gone white "No, you know what it's like, when people see me, they " Kevin took a step closer " Devon suggested it , I am not pressuring you Babe, but it will be alright, Markian Steven Karina will be there with you " Kevin said as he hugged Evan

"Will it be alright? I am okay working from the shadows" Evan asked.

Kevin could disagree with that. At last it was Evan's choice. If he wanted he can go. If he didn't want to Kevin won't force him about anything.  He just had to inform Stefan to proceed with the intial plan.

Kevin decided to keep his talk with Sebastian and his feelings a secret for the time being.
It wasn't like there was anything to hide. But he didn't wanted to make the mood worse. Evan was already insecure. He thought excessively, Kevin didn't wanted Evan to misunderstand anything. They had reconciled and Kevin wanted to cherish that.

He was home with his mate. Who looked happy and that's all that mattered to him.

The depressing topics about Chimera and rouge mutants would have to wait.

What actually required his attention was Sebastian. He needed to have a long talk with him again. Before Sebastian does something stupid in jealousy and regrets for life. After all it was his ignorance that had led to this situation. Goddess he was going to die.

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