Chapter 32

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Unobtrusive,shameless and sexy were the words that kept swirling in Sebastian's head. He couldn't concentrate on anything else. Other than glaring at the Alpha and the Beta from time to time.

And all the work was left to Steven, Stefan and Karina.

The Alpha of the Foxglove Pack. Doza looked impressed with the treaty and kept asking about the person who came up with the ideas.

Karina was happy to indulge her with talks about Evan.

"Are you saying that the ideas were from one man" She asked.

Karina laughed a little " Yes, he likes to do all the brain labour"

"I would like to meet him in person" Doza said as she read the treaty for the umpteen time.

"Anyway a date should be picked up for the packs to sign the treaties" Stefan suggested.

"It's a good idea, that way all the Alpha's will be able to meet before the actual Alliance" Patrick the Beta of the Foxglove Pack said. His gaze lingering a little on Stefan

Sebastian glared at him and his mate. "Keep Calm" He had to keep reciting the mantra to cool himself down. Just what was wrong with his mate. Dressing like that. Sebastian was pent up. It's been a while since they had slept together. But he was never this agitated. It was Stefan's fault. He wanted to lash out at him. Without caring for the Shameless Bastard.

"Beta Sebastian you Don't look well. If you are tired you can retire. We have the rooms prepared for you" Alpha Doza said with a smile.

"No, it's fine, Alpha, "
Sebastian declined politely. Even with the smile he couldn't trust the Sly Fox. And it's not like the Alliance will last. The Ravagers are already targeting the Demon. It's only a matter of time before word gets out. Sebastian doubts the Foxglove Pack will be still allied after that. Same goes for the other Packs. No one will readily go againt the Ravagers.

So Sebastian couldn't help but trust Elder Bella. If not others, he wanted to save his Pack and Kevin.

The situation was too funny for him. Here he was acting like an envoy and he was also planning to meet the representative of the Ravagers while returning from the White Carnation Pack. It felt like he was somehow betraying Kevin, Markian, Steven and also his mate Stefan. He felt guilty.

Sebastian wanted nothing but the shrink away and hide.But the fox tribe turned out to be more generous than he imagined. They had even prepared a small banquet for their guests.

Sebastian had reluctantly agreed, Walking for the whole day he was hungry. And the food smelled good. So maybe he could entertain the foxes for a few more hours.

“Ah, You must be the Alpha Kevin's  Brother” a voice said.

Sebastian had been aware of someone approaching to their table, with a small polite smile on his he looked up from his plate.

A tall girl not more than sixteen or seventeen stood smiling at Stefan. She clearly gave out the Alpha aura. She kept looking at his mate. His mate who for some reason was obnoxiously provocatively dressed.

Alpha Doza and her mate Luna Vivian stood beside her. Chuckling at the girls eagerness.

" Yes, I am Stefan, and Steven here is also Alpha Kevin's brother " Stefan replied.

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