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Light gently grazes your eyelids as the sun reaches the shades of the windows.

You slowly allow your eyes to flutter open as you softly yawn.

Your vision steadies and you remember where you are.

You're in Lydia's house, in her bed, with your arms folded protectively around her sides.

You look down at her.

God, she's so beautiful.

You still don't know how you ended up like this.

With this amazing, perfect, pretty girl as your girlfriend, pregnant with your baby.

It was like a fever dream come true.

A soft voice whispers, "Good morning, angel.".

You realize Lydia's eyes are slightly open and she's looking up at you, beginning to reach her arms out of your embrace and into a large stretch.

Once she finishes, she smiles sweetly.

She's so cute it just makes you want to burst into tears.

"Morning, Lyds.How are you feeling?" you ask.

She sits up, rubbing her eyes before responding, "I'm good.I'm just glad you're here with me.".

She gently grasps your hand.

You smile brightly at her.

"So, breakfast?We can tell Barb and Adam then.They would want to know." she suggests.

You nod, "For sure.Let's go.".

You both roll out of bed, walking out of the room, hand in hand.

You slide one arm around her back, making sure she doesn't trip on anything and injure herself.

You realize you've become much, much more protective and vigilant of Lydia ever since last night when you found out she was pregnant.

It's just been about 9 hours, but your mindset had totally changed.

It was no longer just you and your girlfriend.

It was you, your best friend and lover, and your baby.

It made you want to protect Lydia from anything that could ever harm her and your unborn clump of cells.

She takes you into the dining room, then into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

She turns to you, "Is cereal okay?".

You nod.

She reaches to grab the milk, bowl, and box of cereal from different places in the room.

You carefully monitor her every move, making sure nothing happens to her.

She notices your watchful eyes on her, placing the items on the counter and turning around to look up at you.

"You okay, Y/N?" she asks.

"Uh, yeah...I'm just making sure that you and the baby are alright." you reply.

She sighs, smiling, "Aw, well, thank you.But we're just a week along.There's so much more to go yet.So, maybe lighten up a little?I appreciate it a lot makes me feel like a burden, you know?".

You look upon her sadly, "No, Lydia.You're not a burden.I'll try to not be so overprotective were never a burden.You never will be, okay?". 

She nods slightly before pulling your collar down a bit to place a soft kiss on your lips.

Then, she turns back around to start making your bowls of cereal.

As she does, you place your hands on her hips, resting your head in the crook of her neck.

She doesn't pull away as she begins to pour the various food items into the dishes.

And soon, she's done.

You reach around her to grab a bowl before allowing her to head into the dining room before you.

You follow behind her as you both sit down opposite one another.

Before she takes a bite of the cereal, she calls out, "Barb!Adam!Get down here, I wanna tell you something!".

Then, she nonchalantly begins to sip on her spoonful of milk as you hear the ghostly footsteps of the apparitions you've come to know and love stepping down the stairs to head into the dining room quickly.

And soon, Barbara and Adam glide into the room, stopping at the head of the table.

"What is it, Lydia?" asks Barb.

Lydia smiles, reaching her arm across the table towards you.

You reach towards her, gently grasping her hand as she starts, "So you both know that Y/N and I have been together for a few months now...".

The ghosts nod.

"And this may come as a shock to you guys but...Y/N will be staying over here a lot more often because..." she says, looking into your eyes for a moment.

You smile at her, encouraging her to continue.

"Because...I'm pregnant!" she blurts.

You squeeze her hand softly as the two ghosts begin to process the information.

Barbara's eyebrows shoot up and Adam adjusts his glasses quickly, his mouth gaping open.

"What?!Pregnant?Really?" asks Barb, clasping her transparent hands together.

Lydia nods, "Mhmh.I'm really pregnant.".

"Do your parents know?" asks Adam.

She shakes her head, "Nope.I'm not gonna tell them for a while, if they found out we're going to have a baby and we're not married, they'd kill Y/n!".

You chuckle.

"Well, Lydia.And Y/N...We want you to know that we love you both and we will take care of you and this baby.No matter what." promises Barb.

Lydia beams up at them, "Thank you.Thank you both.We appreciate you guys.So, so much.".

The ghosts smile.

Adam breaks the short moment of silence by whispering, "Well, Barb and I will go and leave you two alone so that we can all think about the plans for this baby, hm?".

You and Lydia nod.

The ghosts turn around, floating back up the stairs from where they came.

You meet Lydia's beautiful brown, sparkling eyes.

She breathes a long sigh of relief, rubbing her index finger up and down the back of your hand.

"Good, that's over.I'm proud of the way you handled yourself, Lydia." you murmur.

She grins, "Thank you, Y/n.I don't know if I'd been able to do it without you here.".

You stand up, walking around the table to gently grasp her shoulders.

She smiles a goofy, sweet smile up at you as a large dusting of pink blush burns into her cheeks as your face begins to near hers.

Her eyes flutter closed as you brush your lips against her mouth before pressing them against her.

You relish in the texture of her soft, perfect bubblegum pink lips pushed up onto yours.

After a few seconds of the soft, loving kiss, you both pull away.

"I love you, Lydia.I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I'm gonna be right here.I'm always gonna be here for you and our baby, okay?I promise you that." you assure her, intertwining her fingers with yours.

She nods slightly, gently squeezing your hand, "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me....Thank you...I love you, Y/N...So, so much.You're a one of a kind, you know that?".

You smile, "I'll never get tired of hearing you say that....".

Then, you place another soft kiss on her lips before the two of you retire to her bedroom for a nap together.

Lydia Deetz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now