Miss you

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By now, Lydia is about 13 weeks along (Roughly 3 months).

And much to your dismay, you had been away from Lydia for almost four weeks because of personal reasons (Idk, make up a good reason!:)) and you were missing your girl more than ever.

You had started your car and driven as quickly as you could back to her house the minute you were able.

On your way there, you called her up to hear her sweet voice.

She answers as you continue to drive (Irresponsible, I know).

"Hello?Y/N?" she says.

You smile upon feeling her soft, familiar voice sneak it's way into your ears just as it always managed to do.

"Hey, Lyds!I'm sorry I've been gone for so long!I'm on my way back to your place now!" you reply happily.

She chuckles softly on the other side of the phone, "Finally!I missed you so much!Even Adam and Barb started to ask about where you were!".

You laugh, "Well, tell them I'll be there in 15 minutes flat!".

"Oh, but Y/n!I haven't even had time to clean the house!My hair is a mess and my makeup is still on my shelf!I mean, of course I want you to come, but-but the house and everything else is just so unorganized!Give me 30 minutes!" she pleads.

You can hear the anxiety in her wavering voice as she begs you to let her clean up before you arrive.

"Lydia!Lydia, slow down.I don't care about any of that!All I care about is getting to see you again!Lie down and relax until I get there.I'll help you clean up and do your hair and whatever else you need, okay?I'll be there soon, love!" you promise.

"But, angel!The whole house is a mess!I can't stand thinking about you having to be stuck in all of it!J-Just give me a little more time and I can-" she begins, but you quickly cut her off.

"Lydia.Shhh.Shh.It's okay.You're okay.We're  okay.I don't care if I walk in and the whole house is completely infested with Amazon packages or not, I just want to see you again.Just wait 'till I get home and we'll fix it together, alright?I'm almost there." you breathe calmly.

There's a short second of silence on her end followed by a sigh as she gives in, "Okay.I will.Be quick, darling!I can hardly wait.".

You hang up after saying a few 'I love you's and soon, before you know it, you're home.

You hop out of your car before bounding up the hill towards Lydia's house.

Anticipation tingles at your fingertips as you near the front door.

You skid to a stop in front of it.

Then, you rap your knuckles gently against it.

You hear quick, flat footsteps from inside the house followed by the door opening.

Behind it is Lydia, grinning ear to ear up at you.

She exclaims, flinging her arms around you, pressing her pregnant body against you.

You extremely gently hug her back.

She crashes her lips against yours desperately.

You kiss her back immediately as she tilts her head towards you, deepening the kiss.

One of her soft hands travels up to your cheekbone, gently cupping it in her palm, pushing it into hers.

Then, she reaches down with her free hand to join her fingers with yours.

You feel her warmth override the cold, bitter air around you, whistling in your ears.

She gently presses your bottom lip between her teeth, softly biting on it.

Your eyes close in pleasure and joy as you feel her familiar touch roam your body.

Rolling your lip in her gentle bite, she continues to rub her palm up and down your side as the other radiates it's warmth into your hand, intertwined with hers.

Another freezing gust of wind tickles your face.

You pull away from her for a moment to say, "We should probably head inside.It's getting really cold, I wouldn't want you and the babies getting sick now!".

She chuckles, placing a soft, short kiss on your cheek, "Aww, silly!Unborn babies can't get sick!".

You smile, grasping her hand again and leading her into the house, closing the door behind you, shutting out the cold, nipping air.

As your eyes adjust to the brightly lit living room, you look down at Lydia's stomach.

You're shocked for a moment or two.

Her stomach is a great bit larger than how you last remember it.

Instead of just being a small, subtle hill that you could barley even see, now its a much more pronounced bump that you can see plainly.

You gasp.

Lydia turns around to face you as you get down on one of your knees, placing both of your hands gingerly on the sides of her stomach.

"What happened while I was gone?!I could have sworn it wasn't like this when I last saw you!" you ask, brushing one of your hands up and down the surface of her round stomach.

She chuckles, "I think sometimes you forget we're having twins.Angel, over these next five or so months my belly is gonna be much much bigger.So you better get used to it!".

You sigh, "This whole thing has been going by way too fast.I can't believe you're already 3 months along.".

You gently press your lips against her stomach, softly murmuring, "I love you.".

She smiles down at you, "Aww.You're so cute, Y/n.".

You close your eyes, smiling uncontrollably as you nuzzle your ear into the front of her stomach, "Our little baby Deetz's.The Deetz twins.The Deetz babies.".

She laughs, "Is that what we're gonna call them?".

"Maybbbee.I dunno, we don't know if they're boys or girls yet!We gotta make up a nickname!Just until we find out." you reply.

"Well, why does what their sex is change their names?We could name them Jamie and Jacob and even if they both end up being girls it wouldn't matter to me." she asks.

You open your eyes to smile up at her again, "You are right about that.Do you have any ideas for names so far?".

She shakes her head, "No, not any good ones at least.But I like the idea of calling them the Deetz babies 'till we do come up with their names!How about it?".

You stand up, keeping one hand on her stomach while placing the other on the side of her face, "That sounds great.Our little Deetz babies.It's perfect.".

She chuckles softly.

Then, you shut your eyes for a moment to place your lips on the tip of her perfect nose lovingly.

You allow your body to brush against her stomach, still being careful not to press against it despite the conversation about hugs you and Lydia had before you left the month before.

You move your kiss down, pressing your mouth against her soft, gentle lips.

The moment is short, but sweet as you pull away to gingerly press your forehead against hers.

You both stare into each other's beautiful eyes as you whisper, "I love you, Lydia.I hope you know that.Because It's truer than anything else in the world.

She closes her eyes, "I feel the same about you.You're a real one of a kind.You're the one for me.I just know it.And I hope you do too.".

(Feel free to put name suggestions for the Deetz Twins in the comments!If I like them I might use them!Thanks for reading, I appreciate all of you!)

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