Surprise Visit

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TW:Temporary Homophobia

By now, Lydia was just about 35 weeks along.

And the doctor had prescribed her bed rest for most of her days until the babies are finally born.

And so, you had been staying in her room with her.

But today was different.

You hop down the stairs to begin making her breakfast when you hear a knock at the front door.

You freeze for a moment.

Knocks at the door have always made you nervous.

Who could possibly be on the other side?

You don't know.

"Can you answer that for me, babe?" calls your fiancée from upstairs.

"Yeah, I'll get it, Lyds!" you reply before heading towards the front door.

You take a short breath to instill confidence in yourself.

Then, you grab the doorknob and open the door.

Behind it is two people you don't recognize.

One looks to be a woman with short but beautiful red hair and blue eyes, and beside her is a man that looks just a little clueless that you presume is her husband.

"Oh, uh...hello." you mutter.

The woman looks you up and down, crossing her arms, "Who are you?" she asks.

"I could ask you the same question, Ma'am." you reply.

"Well, I am Delia Deetz. And this is my husband, Charles." she informs you, "Now, you.".

"I am Y/N L/N.What are you two here for?" you inquire.

"Well, if it wasn't obvious we are here for our daughter. Lydia Deetz, is she here?" asks Delia.

"Ohh .Yes, she's here. Just don't make assumptions that she looks the same way she used to." you warn before welcoming them inside, closing the door behind them.

"Lydia! You have guests!" you call before guestering for them to follow you upstairs.

They do and you lead them to Lydia's door.

You gently knock on it, "Can we come in, Lyds?".

"Uh, sure!Come in." she replies.

You open the door to see her, standing up beside the bed, her arm wrapped around the bottom of her enormous stomach.

You speed walk to her side, placing a hand on her back to steady her just in case.

Delia and Charles's eyes widen and Lydia gasps, "Dad? Delia?!".

Delia struts towards Lydia before pointing to her stomach, "What happened here?".

Charles stands beside his wife, "Delia, that's not a very nice thing to say! Sweetie it's so nice to see you again!" he exclaims.

Lydia reaches around her stomach to hug her father before shaking hands with Delia.

"But your step-mother does have a point, last time I saw you, you were so small!" he says.

Lydia chuckles, "You guys might wanna sit down for this one.".

Charles and Delia take her advice, sitting down on a couch a few feet from the bed.

You and Lydia sit down side by side on the edge of the bed.

"Well, first things first, who is this?" asks Delia, pointing a finger at you.

"Oh, well that is Y/N. My soon-to-be wife." she replies, subtly grasping your hand.

You loved the way she worded your relationship.

Not girlfriend.

Not fiancée.

Her soon-to-be wife.

That sounded so exciting to you.

You just couldn't wait to drop the 'soon-to-be'.

Delia's eyes widen and she leans forward, "Wife?! You and another girl-No! Girls can't love girls! Girls can't love other girls!".

Charles places a strong hand on her shoulder, "Now, Delia. Calm down. That just isn't true. Girls can love girls and it seems our Lydia is a prime example.".

Delia buries her head in her hands dramatically.

Charles sighs, "I'm sorry about her, she always has to make a scene. She's not very 'with the times' if you know what I mean.".

You nod, "No, no, I understand.".

Lydia continues on as if nothing had happened, "Anyways, so Y/N and I are going to be married soon and I am pregnant with their babies. 36 weeks along to be exact." she informs.

Charles stands up abruptly, placing his hands on his head, "Wait! Wait! You're pregnant?!With babies-plural ? WHAT!!?!!?".

Lydia chuckles and nods, "Uh-huh and it's twins, Dad.".

He becomes even more baffled and Delia raises her head out of her palms to look at you and Lydia in disbelief.

"TWINS?!" gasps Delia before dramatically-and very clearly fakely-fainting to the floor.

Charles, who you assume is used to this kind of thing, ignores her theatrics and keeps his attention on Lydia, "Do they have names?! Are they going to be boys or girls?".

"It's one boy, one girl and they are going to be named Sawyer and Silas." she replies.

He gasps, smiling, "My goodness! I'm gonna be a Grandpa! Sawyer and Silas! What fitting names!".

You and Lydia smile at each other as he continues to freak out over the announcement while Delia on the other hand, continues her grand act on the ground.

"So these are your parents I assume." you murmur to her.

She laughs and nods, "Well, the man is my dad but the lady is just my step-mother.".

"Ohhh!" you breathe.

Then, Delia gets up after realizing nobody is going to help her.

She sighs and widens her eyes, "So does this mean I am going to be a grandmother?! My goodness what wonderful news, girls!".

Charles steadies Delia with his large hands, "Now, darling, you will have to accept the fact that Lydia and Y/N are girls and they are in love, okay?".

She sputters for a moment before giving in, "Fine. I accept you, Lydia. And you too, I suppose." she says, pointing to you.

Lydia sighs, "Thanks... So what did you guys come all the way here for anyways?".

Charles speaks up before Delia can say anything, "We came to see you, Lydia! It's been a while since we've seen the ol' house, you know?".

You both nod.

"How long were you planning on staying?" she asks.

"Well, not too much longer I suppose since Delia here seems to be in dire need of my assistance, so we must go. But I'll see you soon, Lydia, okay?" he says.

She nods.

Then, Charles takes Delia by the hand before you walk them out of the house, shutting the door behind them.

You head back upstairs to see Lydia.

You help her back into bed before sitting down beside her on the sheets.

"Thanks for handling that whole thing, Y/N .My dad and Delia have always been weird like that." she says, meeting your eyes.

You smile, leaning over to rub a gentle hand up and down her enormous stomach.

"No problem, love." you reply, adding your other hand to her stomach as well.

"You're going to be a great parent, Y/n." she whispers.

You chuckle, "And you're going to be a great mother. I know it.".

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