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It had been a month since you had slept over at Lydia's house.

And over that month, you two had gotten to know each other better via texts and the few times you came to her house.

And you realized you had a little....tiny...teensy weensy...CRUSH.


You would always scream that in your head whenever you would think about her.

And you knew that you just had  to see her again.

So, earlier that day, you had called Lydia and asked her if you and her could set up a little lunch session at a nearby restaurant.

And, luckily, she agreed.

You were just ecstatic at the thought of it.

You had already gotten ready, and as the place you two chose was only a few blocks away, it didn't take long to get there.

Upon entering the establishment, you ask the waiter for a table for two.

They show you to a nice table, and you sit down in a lovely wooden chair.

You clasp your hands and tap them together nervously.

You knew by now that Lydia wouldn't stand you up for any reason, but the fact she wasn't there yet made you incredibly anxious.

Yearning to see her again overwhelmed you as your forehead pounded with thoughts.

You close your eyes and place your head on the surface of the table.

"Come on, Lydia.Please, just be here soon..." you murmur softly to yourself.

Your leg begins to shake with nervousness, up and down.

Deep breaths, Deep breaths -You think to yourself, breathing slowly in and out, trying to calm yourself.

You open your eyes and look up.

Your heart almost bursts out of your chest upon seeing Lydia smiling at you, standing there, beside the table.

"Hey, Y/n!".

You chuckle nervously, "Hi, Lydia.".

She asks, "Is this our table?".

You nod.

Then, she sits down in the chair opposite you.

The both of you order.

But as you wait for your food, you just begin to admire Lydia.

Her eyes, brown, entrancing and just so pretty.

Her face, perfect, beautiful and kind.

And her style, unusual, but cute.

Her in her entire essence, you could tell she was perfect for you.

She was all of the things anybody would want in a girlfriend, loving, smart, caring, beautiful, and a great person.

You knew you wanted her.

But you weren't so sure she wanted you.

You were so afraid that if you told her your real feelings towards her, you would lose her.

It terrified you as Lydia was one of your only friends in this town.

You hadn't felt like this towards anyone since the tenth grade.

But it made you nervous at the thought of her not feeling the same.

Eventually, your food came, along with Lydia's and the both of you began to eat.

"You look great, Lydia.Really pretty." you murmur.

She smiles, "Thanks Y/N.You look amazing too.".

You laugh softly and stare down at your plate.

Bit by bit, you dig through the meal, until you're finished.

Lydia eats hers almost just as fast.

Once you both are done, you get up.

You pay for the meal, after much of Lydia's protest.

And the two of you head outside.

The cold air caresses your face, whooshing in your ears.

You realize you didn't plan for this weather, hence you only wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

But, Lydia seemed to have known it would be cold since she was clad in a pair of jeans, a thin coat and a wool sweater beneath it.

You begin to shiver as the both of you head down the sidewalk side by side.

Lydia turns to you.

She notices you shaking with cold.

She shimmies out of her coat and drapes it over your back.

"Here, Y/N.Stay warm, yeah?".

You smile, "Are you sure,Lydia?Will you be warm?".

She chuckles, "I mean, just look at me!".

She points to her thick black sweater, made to keep heat inside.

You nod and smile at her again, thanking her with your eyes.

Then, you two continue to walk together down the block.

You both are silent for a moment until Lydia says, "Thank you, Y/N.Really...You're the only person that spends time with me on your own free will besides the ghosts...and...well, you know, they're dead and can't leave...I really appreciate your company.".

"Anytime, Lydia.I enjoy your company too.You're great.".

She smiles at you.

Then, you feel her hand gently grasp yours.

You don't pull away.

"Is this...okay?" she asks.

You nod.

She gingerly squeezes your hand comfortingly as you two near the end of the street.

That night, you went to sleep with dreams of Lydia filling your head.

Lydia Deetz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now