Gender Reveal 🥳 🥳 🥳

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Now, Lydia was in her 22nd week of pregnancy.

And you had decided to take her to another doctor's appointment to determine the gender of your twins.

Lydia was excited, and so were you.

But you were so nervous too.

I didn't matter to you or Lydia what the sex was, but it still made you anxious anyways.

You two sat together in the waiting room of the hospital.

It reminded you all too much of the day you found out you were having twins.

Lydia turns to you, placing her hand on top of yours as she whispers, "Hey, sweetheart.You okay?".

You nod, "Yeah I'm just...nervous, you know?".

She laughs softly, "Uh-huh.But just know that by the end of the hour we will know if we are gonna have daughters or sons.But promise me you won't change the names you have in mind just because of what the doctors tell us, okay?".

"Of course.I promise.Their sex will not change their names.Even though we don't even have any names to begin with!" you chuckle.

She gently squeezes your hand.

You squeeze her's back.

You take a deep breath, in and out.

You hear the click-clacking of heels down the hall towards the waiting room.

You already know its the doctor.

Your heart leaps with anxiety as the door swings open.

"Ms.Deetz.We are ready for you now." says the doctor.

You both stand up, still hand in hand as you follow the doctor into a room.

It is very similar to the room you and Lydia were in when you found out she was pregnant with twins.

It makes you feel unusually sentimental.

You help Lydia up and onto the table, lifting her into your arms before gently placing her down.

Then, you sit down right next to her in one of the chairs.

After a few seconds, you decide you're to antsy to sit, so you stand again, grasping her hand tightly.

You watch like a hawk as the doctor lifts the bottom half of her shirt up over her round stomach.

They spread the same gel as before on her belly before pressing the same tool you remember from when Lydia got her first ultrasound against her stomach.

You look up at the computer screen as it turns on.

Now, instead of the two little twin black dots that you saw months ago, there are two much larger masses you can see.

It looks like your little babies have grown since the last time you saw them.

You smile.

The doctor moves the object on Lydia's stomach around, peering at the screen.

After a few long moments, they turn to you and Lydia.

"Would you like to know the genders, Ms. and Mx. Deetz?" they ask.

You and Lydia meet eyes.

She smiles at you.

You look back to the doctor and nod.

"Okay so it seems..." they begin.

You and Lydia meet eyes again as she gently squeezes your hand.

Your heart beats faster as the seemingly endless silence fills your ears.

Lydia Deetz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now