Sleeping Over

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Last night for some reason, you had slept in Lydia's house because, as she put it, "I really don't want you walking all the way back there on your own at night.Stay here for right now, I'll walk you home tomorrow morning, okay?".

You knew it was probably the last thing you would ever want to do in a horror movie, but you decided that it would be fine just for one night.

Lydia had let you sleep on her bed, and she had slept on the floor, although you protested that you should switch places, she insisted that you need a good night's rest.

And finally, you awoke that morning.

The sun shone through a window in Lydia's room, letting you know it was quite early.

You open your phone.

It's seven-O-Clock in the morning and it seems you have a few messages from the number Lydia had given you the other day at the park.

You tap them and begin to read.

"Hello, Y/N.I really hope this isn't the wrong number or this'll be really awkward.Anyways, by the time you wake up, I'll probably be in the kitchen.Find me there, friend.".

You smile and shut the phone off before slowly standing up.

You shake the sleep from your body and yawn.

Then, you start out of the room and into the hall.

At the foot of the stairs, stand Adam and Barbara.

Step by step, you climb down them until you reach the last one.

They look up at you, smiling.

Adam adjusts his glasses.

Then, Barbara asks, "How did you sleep last night, darling?".

"Good, thanks." you respond.

"Great.Just know you're welcome back here anytime.Lydia really likes you so far." says Adam innocently.

You smile and thank him before pushing past them and into the kitchen.

And before you, sitting on the counter, is Lydia.

She looks up and a happy grin flickers on her beautiful face.

'Y/N!Good morning!" she exclaims, hopping down from the counter.

"I hope it's not too weird that you slept in my bed like, four days after you met me..." she said nervously.

"No, no, it's fine.We just have a connection, Lydia.Like we've known each other forever, you know?" you say hopefully.

She nods, "Of course, Y/N.I feel the same.Maybe that's why we're such fast friends.".

She chuckles softly.

Then, she turns and hands you a plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

You gingerly hold it and ask, "Did you make these?".

"Yep.I hope you like them, I made em' just for you and I...cuz you know...Barb and Adam can't eat." she responds, grabbing her own plate of food.

The two of you head out into the dining room and place your plates down, sitting opposite the other.

Then, you begin to eat the delicious meal.

Soon, before you even know it, you've eaten all of the food.

You laugh to yourself and look up to Lydia.

She too, is almost done as well.

"Was it okay?I'm not much of a cook." she asks.

"It was great, Lydia!Just wonderful!" you exclaim.

She smiles, uncertain as to whether you're lying to her or not.

"I promise it's true!Everything really was amazing!" you assure her enthusiastically.

"Really?You mean it?" she asks.

You nod.

Her smile widens with thanks as you take your plate into the kitchen.

You rinse it off and place it inside of the sink.

You turn back around, and Lydia is standing before you.

She walks towards you.

Then, she slowly wraps her arms around you, giving you ample time to tell her whether or not you're uncomfortable.

Once she realizes you're fine with it, she embraces you.

"Thank you, Y/N." she murmurs.

You wrap your arms around her, returning the favor.

"Anytime, Lydia.Anytime." you murmur back.

Not too long after that, you head home.

But you still yearn to see her again.

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