House troubles Pt 2

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That night you had kept your promise and stayed the night.

You and Lydia had fallen asleep on the couch, hand in hand together and had slept through the night.

But, all of a sudden, you're awoken by gentle shakes to your shoulders.

You slowly force your eyes open to see Lydia, standing in front of you, softly trying to wake you.

You smile and sit up, rubbing your face.

"Hey, Lyds.What's up?" you ask.

"Well, I just wanted to warn you that the mayor should be over here in a few minutes to...discuss the plans for the house." she replies.

You grind your teeth at the sheer mention of the man as you stand up and intertwine your fingers with hers.

"Okay, but Lyds...I just want you to know that when this little fuck gets over here, I might be using some bad language, and I'm sorry but this guy sounds like a real douche." you warn.

You chuckles softly, "Well, it looks like you two will get along just fine!".

You smile and place a gentle kiss on her lips.

"But no matter what happens I'll be right here and I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" you promise.

She nods, "Alright, Y/N...I believe you.".

"But he should be here any second, prepared, yeah?" says Lydia, placing her soft hand on your shoulder.

A sigh escapes you as your fingers clutch your palm out of anticipation to see this chump of a man.

And just then, a knock at the door rings out into the house.

Your muscles tense for a moment, and you flinch, but you collect yourself quickly.

Lydia, still gently grasping your hand, walks towards the door and grabs the knob.

Your mind pounds with anxiety, but you push them all away.

You promised Lydia everything would be okay, and you had every intention to hold yourself to that.

So, you take a long, deep breath as Lydia peeks her head through the gap between the door and the wall.

She laughs nervously, "H-Hi, Mayor Arben...good afternoon.".

"Yes, yes, good afternoon, Ms.Deetz." grumbles a voice on the other side.

Then, Lydia slowly pulls the door open to reveal a short, plump man on the other side.

He looks old and shriveled, yet you're sure he's only in his fifties.

The man is clad in a tacky gray and white striped shirt beneath a beige vest, along with beige pants and a black belt.

You take a few confident steps his way as Lydia squeezes your hand softly and stands timidly behind you.

"Who are you?" asks the man, looking you up and down before scrunching his nose.

"I am Y/N.And you are?" you ask with a twinge of biased hate in your voice.

"Mayor Arben to you." says the sleazy man, grabbing one of your hands and shaking it.

You shudder inwardly as you feel his sweaty hand on yours.

Your other hand is still holding Lydia's, which is the only thing keeping you from absolutely body-slamming the guy right then and there.

Then, he drops your hand and shoves his in his pockets, looking up at you expectantly.

"So, what did you want me here for?Don't waste my time." says Arben.

Your fingers quiver with anger as he says it.

Lydia gently rubs her fingertips against yours in an effort to calm you.

"We wanted you here to talk about the potential demolition of this house, Mister." you respond.

He scoffs, "Oh, yeah, that.Issa lost cause, girly, we're taking this ghost house into the ground.".

You feel Lydia's hands start to tremble as he talks with such confidence as if the plans are already in motion.

"Sir, I don't think you understand the severity of the situation.This isn't just for aesthetic purposes!Lydia and her friends live here!You cannot just break down the place while people are living here!" you exclaim. 

"And who's gonna stop me?" he asks, rubbing his goatee.

"Me." you spit.

"You?You and what army?" he mocks.

You feel a presence behind you.

You already know what's about to go down.

And you are so here for it.

All you say is, "Me.Me and the ghosts.".

The man smiles arrogantly, looking at you as if you had gone crazy.

But, his facial expression changes drastically as you feel Adam and Barbara pass through you, floating towards the man.

"WoOOahhh, what a great party trick, kid.But there's no foolin' old Arben." scoffs the man.

You smirk as Barbara grabs the man's nose and twists it.

The man gasps, trying to push Barbara away, but his hands fall right through her transparent body.

"What the hell is this?!" he shouts.

Arben tries to turn around and run away, but Adam catches him and grabs him by the shoulders, turning him back around to look at you.

The previously confident and arrogant man had turned into a frightened little shell of his former self.

"What's wrong?Cat got your tongue?" asks Barbara as the man cowers in Adams strong grip.

"W-What do you want?!" he whispers anxiously.

Lydia gently squeezes your hand nervously.

"We want you to go back to your office and tell all your little corporate buddies that this house is never  to be demolished, and that this place is to never be disturbed again like this.Okay?" you respond.

The man trembles on his feet and nods, "Y-Y-Yes, of course!".

"Now, go on.Never come back here again, hm?Ever, or you'll have Adam and I to answer to." growls Barbara.

Adam pulls his hands away from Arben's shoulders, allowing him to scamper away down the hill.

Lydia smiles up at you and grasps your other hand.

"That was...amazing!Thank you guys so much!" she exclaims, tears in her eyes.

Adam and Barbara smile, "Anytime, kiddos.We'll leave you two alone for a moment, hm?" says Adam.

You chuckle and nod as the two ghosts phase through you to float up the stairs and back into their attic.

"Now you're safe, Lyds.I promised you." you breathe.

She grins at you and stands up as tall as she can, and places a soft, loving kiss on your cheek.

"I love you, Y/N.I can't thank you enough for this.You saved us." she whispers, wrapping her arms around your waist, nuzzling her head into your body.

You laugh under your breath and embrace her, pulling her ever closer to you.

"I love you.".

Lydia Deetz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now