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You decide, without much thought, that you would take Lydia up on her offer.

You were already on your bike, headed towards your girlfriend's house.

The whole way there your mind is nothing but dumb smiles and thought of seeing her again.

You could hardly even focus on where you were going, leaving your muscle memory to it's own devices.

But, eventually, due to sheer luck, you find you way to Lydia's house.

You struggle to bike your way up the hill, but your determination spurs you on.

Then, you finally reach the top.

You press your foot against the kickstand and leave it a few feet away from the ominous door.

Her house always looked quite...spooky to say the least, despite it's white, welcoming coat of paint.

It was tall, ripe for filming a horror film or something.

But, nonetheless, you approach the front door and gently knock on it.

You awkwardly stand there, awaiting a response from inside of the house.

And much to your surprise, the door creaks open to reveal Barbara standing before you, smiling.

"Hello, Y/n!Welcome back!Lydia has been waiting for you all day." she jokes.

She welcomes you inside, closing the door behind you.

"Lydia is in her room.She really likes you you know?...You're special.But, don't let me ramble on too much now, go ahead, it's just up the stairs!" said Barbara.

You nod and hurry up the stairs.

It's not too hard to tell which room is hers as there's a large sign on one of the doors, labeled, "For Barb and Adam:Please knock, I know you're ghosts but please just knock.-Thanks, Lydia."

You smile and laugh to yourself.

Then, you gently knock on the door.

"Barb?Adam?" calls Lydia.

"Nope, just me!" you respond.

You hear quick steps before the door swings open.

Lydia, just as you expected, is on the other side, beaming.

"Y/N!You came!" she exclaims.

You chuckle.

"Of course I did, Lydia!" you respond, matching her volume.

She gently grasps your hand and takes you into her room, closing the door as you enter.

She smiles at you, "Welcome back!".

"It's great to see you again!" you exclaim, taking in her natural beauty.

She clasps her hands together and nervously looks into your eyes.

"Hey, uh...would it be okay if...we took a picture together?Sorry, I just have always had a thing for old cameras, you know?" she asks.

You nod, "Of course, go ahead!".

She thanks you and grabs a vintage camera off of her bed.

Then, she flips the lens towards you and positions herself behind you.

She slowly wraps one arm around you, allowing you time to hint to her that you're uncomfortable.

She notices you're okay with her move, and raises the camera.

You both smile happily as she clicks the side button.

The large light at the top of the contraption flicks on, taking the photo.

"One more?" she asks.

You nod.

She raises the camera again.

This time, just as she is about to take the photo, she places a soft kiss on your cheek.

She perfectly times the picture to capture your face filled with laughter, and look of surprise, along with Lydia's loving eyes staring back at you.

You chuckle and turn to her as two pictures slide out of the camera.

She gently tosses the camera back onto the bed and asks, "Hey, would you mind if Barb takes these for a sec to develop them in my dark room?".

You nod.

She smiles and calls for Barbara.

Soon, the ghost woman is gone, off with your pictures in Lydia's dark room.

Once Barbara had gone, Lydia grasped your hand again.

She led you to her bed and allowed you to sit down beside her on it.

For a while, you two just stare at one another lovingly.

Then, Lydia slowly moves one of her hands to your cheek.

Her fingers gently caress the side of your face.

"Is this okay, Y/N?" she whispers.

You nod again.

She closes her eyes and brings her beautiful face closer to you.

Her lips brush against yours.

Then, she blesses your senses with a fond kiss.

It lasts for a second or so before she pulls away and smiles.

She places another gentle kiss on your forehead and asks, "Would you like to stay for the night, Y/N?I want to show you something tomorrow.".

"Yeah, of course I would, Lydia!I'll stay for the night." you respond.

"Perfect!I'll arrange a pillow party on the floor and you can have my bed." she continues.

"Lydia, you can't keep sleeping on the ground!This is your house!" you exclaim.

"You're the guest, Y/N, and you only deserve the best." she answers.

"Lydia...I know this will seem weird, and if i'm moving too fast, just tell me, but...how about you come up here and we could both sleep on your bed?Nothing sexual though, just two lovers in bed together." you promise.

She thinks for a moment.

"Are you sure?You could have the whole bed to yourself..." she taunts.

You chuckle, "Come on, Lydia, get up here.".

She smiles and crawls back onto the bed.

She slips beneath the covers and presses herself against the wall.

You realize there's enough space to have two other people in between you and Lydia.

You wiggle underneath the blankets and place your head onto one of her various pillows, facing towards her.

You both close your eyes, preparing for sleep.

And soon, the sweet sensation of pure darkness embraces you.

Lydia Deetz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now