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That morning you had woken up again in Lydia's house.

You had stayed the week there to spend more time with her.

She had already made the both of you breakfast and now, you two were just lying beside one another in her bed.

You flicked your eyes back and forth, searching the ceiling for anything worth examining.

"Hey, Y/N?" starts Lydia.


"How would you like to go to a museum with me?I understand if you don't want to go, I just thought it would be fun, you know?" she suggests.

"What kind of a museum?" you ask.

"A new one down the street that has a bunch of old photography memorabilia." she responds.

You can tell she's trying to mask her hope for you to accept her request.

"Hm...sure!When do you think it'll be open?" you inquire.

"Well, it's open right now." she answers.

"Oh!Do you want to go?" you ask.

She quickly replies, "Only if you feel up to it, Y/N.It's up to you, angel.".

"Well then, it's settled!Let's get in the car, hm?" you declare.

She beams at you, "Really?Right now?".

You nod.

She smiles and follows you out of the house and into the driveway.

You open the door for her, and she hops into the drivers seat.

You join her inside the car in the passengers side.

Both of you fasten your seat belts as Lydia starts driving down the road towards your destination.

Soon, you arrive at the front of a large, fancy-looking museum.

Lydia gently takes your hand in hers and leads you inside.

Your eyes marvel at the high ceilings and colourful tapestries on the walls.

She guides you through a hallway and into a long gallery full of life-size pictures.

You both walk, hand-in-hand slowly past each and every photo.

The subjects of the portraits were diverse, ranging from twittering birds, caught mid-flight, to beautiful landscapes all the way to every day items in great lighting.

"Lydi...this is...amazing!" you exclaim.

She chuckles, "Really?You like it?".

You nod, "Of course I do!I mean, look at all of these!" you respond, pointing to the endless colourful photographs lining the walls.

She continues to lead you through the museum until you come across a camera exibit.

Lydia's eyes light up with pure excitement as she grasps your hand and carefully guides you to a single camera inside of a clear glass case.

She points to it and looks at you happily.

"This is the camera I have, Y/N!It's like a one of a kind!From the 80's, mint condition!" she exclaims.

You laugh, infected by her childlike sense of endearment for the item.

"What's it about these 80's cameras that makes you so happy, Lyds?" you ask.

She chuckles, "Well, they're just amazing!Perfect pieces of the past preserved to be on par with the future!".

You smile, having no idea what she just meant to say, but feeling happy for her anyways.

"Sure, Lydi, I totally agree." you reply, a loving grin on your face.

You place a gentle kiss on her cheek as she stares into your eyes.

"You're amazing, Y/N.I love you." she murmurs.

"I love you too, Lydia.So much." you respond.

She smiles and caresses your face gingerly before leading you to the next part of the museum.

This time, it's full of old, dated pictures hanging on the wall.

Lydia's face shines with anticipation as she approaches one of the black and white photos.

You follow behind her, still hanging onto her soft hand.

She stops in front of one in particular.

It's a large portrait of an ocean flowing beyond a sandy beach.

Although you know it's void of colour, you can see all of the yellows, blues and cyans of the picture's landscape in your mind.

Lydia gently places her hand on your shoulder and turns her head to look at you.

"Isn't it amazing?" she begins, "You can see colours even when there are none.It's the magic of old pictures, huh?".

You chuckle under your breath and nod, "You are right, Lydia.It is quite magical to say the least...You know, this is fun, I really like to spend time with you like this.".

She beams at you, "Oh, Y/N...thank you...I didn't think you'd enjoy it!".

"Well, maybe it's because you're here with me.You make everything so...exciting." you reply.

"Awww..." says Lydia, pushing her lips towards yours.

She places a gentle kiss on your mouth and smiles.

"I love you, Y/N.More than you will ever know.".

Lydia Deetz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now