First month(Fluff)

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Tw: Pregnancy, vomiting

It had been about 4 or 5 weeks since you and Lydia had told Adam and Barbara about her pregnancy.

You had stayed over for the most part, while still going home every few days like you and Lydia had agreed.

And today marked somewhere around her first month of being pregnant.

And you could tell the symptoms were already beginning to set in.

You woke up in her bed again, as usual.

You slowly sat up against the wall behind you, rubbing your eyes awake.

Once your vision begins to clear, you look around.

Lydia isn't in bed beside you like you had gotten used to her being over the past month.

Sliding out of the covers, you roll out of bed, instantly concerned.

Your eyes sweep the room, looking up and down.

But there's no sign of your girlfriend.

You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself, closing your eyes.

You tune out all of your anxiety and just listen for a moment.

Maybe she was just downstairs making food.

You listened out for any sign of her.

Your hands jitter with nervousness as you press your fingers against your temples, zoning into the sounds around you.

But for several seconds, there is only silence and occasional sounds of birds chirping outside echoing into your head.

But eventually, you hear groaning and small whimpers coming from her bathroom.

You flick your eyes open, quickly trotting to the door.

You gently rap your knuckles against it, waiting for a response.

The groaning and whimpering ceases for a long moment before a familiar, but hoarse voice whispers, "Y-Y/N?Is that you?".

"Yes, Lydia!Are you okay?Do you need help with anything?" you ask swiftly, pressing both of your hands and one of your ears against the door.

There's a mechanical click that you can feel straight through the wood, followed by the door slowly creaking open.

After pushing the door with your elbow, you look down onto the tiled bathroom floor to see Lydia, bent over the toilet, her face ghostly pale and gaunt.

You gasp, quickly crouching down beside her, placing your hand gently on her back, "What's wrong, Lyds?Are you okay?!".

"I'm alright.Just morning sickness, I guess.Don't worry." she replies softly.

Then, her face turns a sickly shade of green as she turns back to the toilet.

She retches, beginning to throw up as you frantically grab all of her long, unstyled black hair, holding it above her head.

It was quite unlike her to not have her hair up like usual, but all that you were worried about was everything but whether or not she had had time this morning to do her hair like she always did.

You struggle to take each strand in danger of getting thrown up on into your handful of her hair.

And once you're sure her hair is no longer in the splash zone, while still holding it up with one hand, with the other you place your palm against her back, gently rubbing it up and down comfortingly.

As she regurgitates into the toilet, she groans and whimpers just as you had heard from the bedroom.

"Hey, Lydi.It's okay...I'm right here, sweetheart." you whisper, continuing to stroke her back.

You reach up to grab several squares of toilet paper, holding them as you place your hand back onto her spine. 

She sputters for a moment before bringing her head back up, sitting on her heels, turning to you.

You raise your hand to gently wipe her mouth with the tissues you had collected seconds before.

She doesn't pull away as you dab at her lips and cheeks, clearing them of any vomit and/or spit she had accidentally spilled on herself.

Once her face is finally clean, you toss the tissues to the floor, placing one hand on the side of her face.

"You okay, Lydi?Do you need to throw up again?" you ask, rubbing your thumb against her cheek.

"I think that's it.Now I'm just a little dizzy." she replies.

"Do you think you could come to bed with me if I bring your trash can?" you ask, moving your hand down to hers.

She nods.

You reach up onto her counter, gripping the rim of her small, off-white, plastic trash bin, holding it tightly in your hand.

Then, you stand up, gently pulling her up beside you.

She rises up as you lead her back into her bedroom.

She flops down onto her back on the bed.

You throw the empty trash can onto the sheets before hopping up onto the blanket, next to her on the bed.

You roll onto your side to look at her.

You flick your eyes down to her stomach.

You realize that now there is a small bump there, hardly noticeable at all, but you know it's there.

You slowly stretch your arm out to place your hand on her stomach.

Gently, you stroke it up and down, feeling the tiny hill you and Lydia's baby has made inside of her.

You look up at her while still gingerly caressing her stomach, "I'm so proud of you, Lyds.You're a real trooper, you know that?".

She smiles, chuckling softly, "Our baby is just like you, Y/N.You both changed my life the second I met you.".

"Awww.You're so sweet, Lydi." you whisper, placing a soft, gentle kiss on her stomach.

Then, you nuzzle your head into her side while still gingerly hugging her.

She reaches one of her arms down to place her hand on your head, stroking your hair lovingly.

You curl up beside her, closing your eyes.

"Now, Lydia.If you ever feel sick like that again, wake me up first, okay?I wanna be there for you." you whisper.

She chuckles softly, "Okay.I will...I love you, Y/N.I hope you know that.".

You uncontrollably smile as you respond, "I do.And I hope that you know how much you mean to me, Lyds.".

"Because you mean so, so much to me.More than you can even imagine.".

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