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It was the week that Lydia promised you an ultrasound on.

She is currently about 8-9 weeks pregnant.

And you are as nervous as ever.

The two of you are in the waiting room in the hospital, holding one another's hand.

You turn to look at her.

She looks up, flicking her eyes to yours.

She can see the anxiety in your face.

She gently squeezes your hand, "Hey, angel.You know that it's all gonna be okay, right?There's nothing to worry about.".

The cold of the silent, stagnant waiting room nips at your head as you bounce your leg up and down nervously.

"Yes, Lydi, I know...but...I just can't help but worry." you reply, tapping your fingers together unconsciously.

"Just try your best to breathe.I know just how it feels to be so anxious you feel like you can't go on.But I'm right here, Y/N...I'm right here." she promises you.

Just then, the heavy office door opens to reveal a doctor, clad in a stark white lab coat, holding a notepad.

They look down to read it before looking back up, "Miss Lydia Deetz?We're ready for you now.".

Your heart quickens as Lydia stands up, leading you towards the doctor.

The doctor's office has always been your very worst fear.

But nonetheless, you keep a hold on her soft hand as she follows behind the doctor, taking you into a hallway, then into a dimly lit room.

"You may lay down on the table, Miss.Deetz." the doctor instructs.

You pull up a chair right beside the examination table as you help Lydia to safely lie down on the cold surface.

"You okay, Lydia?" you ask, still holding her hand comfortingly as you sit down in the chair.

She nods.

Then, the doctor looks to you and says, "So are you the parent of this baby?".

You nod.

"Okay, so Miss Deetz and parent, I'm going to lift your shirt up and put some gel on it and then we'll be able to see your baby on this screen right here, okay?" says the doctor, pointing to a large computer screen beside them.

You both nod.

The doctor lifts the hem of Lydia's black shirt up before reaching for a tube of clear blue gel.

They spread it onto her stomach quickly.

Next, they bring out a strangely shaped object connected to the screen.

They gently push it against her stomach, taking it back and forth until they settle on one spot you can only assume is where your baby is.

You and Lydia both flick your eyes to the computer.

You have no idea what you're looking at.

It's just a large mass of gray followed by a few medium-sized black dots mixed in.

You squint, trying to see what it all might be.

But before you can ask what that is, the doctor says, "Okay so this thing right here is a baby.We'll call it Baby A." they say, pointing to a black mass on the screen.

Then, they move their gloved finger to another medium-sized black dot, "Annnd this is your second baby.Baby B.".

You pause.

Lydia turns her head back to you, shock in your eyes.

"And it looks like that's it!Congrats, Ms and Mx. Deetz!You're going to be expecting twins!" announces the doctor.

Your eyes widen as the news sets in.

"T-Twins?!" you exclaim.

"Are you absolutely sure?" asks Lydia.

"Yes, I am.You are most definitely going to be having twins, Ms.Deetz." replies the Doctor.

You and Lydia meet gazes.

After a moment of surprise, she laughs softly.

"Twins!Twins, Y/N, twins!" she shouts.

"Wow..." you breathe, staring at the ultrasound screen, looking at the two black blobs that are your children.

There's no doubt about it.

Your girlfriend is pregnant with twins.

Your  twins.

Quickly, you and Lydia leave the hospital to talk.

You both check out of the office before heading outside into the parking lot.

Once you're outside of the silent, scary place, you grasp both of her hands in yours.

You smile, "Lydia!We're going to have twins!Twins!".

She chuckles, "Can you believe it?In like, 7 months we're gonna have two little babies running around!Our  babies.".

She stands as tall as she can to place her lips on yours for a short moment before pulling away to beam up at you.

"If I could choose anyone in the world to have twins with, I would always choose you, Y/n.You're going to be a great parent.I'm sure of it!" she whispers comfortingly.

"I'm so happy.So, so, so happy.I still can't believe that you and I are going to be parents!" you reply, gently wrapping your arms around her, resting your hands on both of her hips.

She flings her arms around your neck, standing on the tips of her shoes, tilting her head up to press her lips against your mouth again, warming your face with a sweet kiss.

You smile against her mouth as happiness and joy fills your mind.

You move on of your hands to her back, rubbing it up and down lovingly.

She softly sucks on your lip, gently nibbling it.

She licks the rim of your mouth as you giggle.

She pulls away, "What's so funny?Are you making fun of the way I kiss?".

You chuckle, "No!Not at all!It's just that you're so cute when you kiss me.I love your little face so so much...Here, let me show you.".

Then, you place several soft, gentle, affectionate kisses first on the tip of her nose, slowly advancing onto her bridge all the way up to her forehead.

Once you pull away, you see a dark dusting of reddish pink blush spreading across her cheeks as she smiles goofily up at you.

"Oh, I can never stay mad at you!Now shut up and kiss me!" she exclaims before grabbing you by your collar and pulling your lips flush against hers passionately.

You give in, lowering your face slightly, deepening the kiss.

You feel yourself begin to blush as your face heats up and your ears burn as you both close your eyes.

God, how did you get so lucky?<3

Lydia Deetz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now