First Time (Smut)

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Warning:Smutty Smut Smut


You wake up, next to Lydia on the floor.

You realize you had fallen asleep last night while you were comforting Lydia and you both had slept through the night in one another's embrace.

You smile as Lydia's eyes flutter open to look up at you.

"Hey, Y/N...I've been waiting for you to wake up." she murmurs, chuckling softly.

"Well, good morning to you too, love.Are you feeling alright?" you ask, gently stroking the side of her face.

"Yeah.I'm feeling normal again...and...if it's okay with you, I want to...thank you for what you did for me last night." she says, her tone sly and suggestive.

"Lydia...Do you mean...?" you ask, confused.

"Yes.I want to commit fully to this relationship. We've been together long enough that I trust you.But it's totally up to you, angel." she replies.

You raise your eyebrows.

"You" you question her.

She nods.

"Are you sure, Lydia?Have you ever even done anything like that before?" you ask.

"No.But I want my first time to be with you, darling." she responds.

"Really?Me?You can be sure I'd never leave you anytime soon, really want to spend your very first sexual experience" you ask.

"Yes.I love you, Y/N.And this looks like the best next step to take with our relationship." says Lydia.

"Buy you know you can have a totally full-fledged romantic, loving bond with someone without sex, right?" you assure her.

"Yes, I know.But...I dunno I just thought it would bring us together more than we already are." she whispers.

You think for a moment.

" long as you're absolutely 100% sure....I'll do it.And we will take it slow.Okay?" you offer.

She nods, "Perfect.I already told Adam and Barb to stay upstairs for today, so we have the whole bottom floor to ourselves...".

You smile.

Then, Lydia crashes her lips against yours, grasping your shirt collar, pulling you close to her.

You chuckle softly as she wraps her arms around your body.

And slowly, her tongue slips inside of your mouth.

First, she feels the ridges of each of your teeth.

Next, she rubs the roof of your mouth.

And then, she strokes your tongue with hers, making your mouth water.

As she twirls her tongue around yours, she begins to unbutton her shirt.

You can hear the pop as each individual button comes out of it's slit in the fabric.

The taste of Lydia's cherry chap stick fills your mouth as you savor the flavour on your tongue.

You reach up and gently begin to stroke your hands through her hair while she continues to french kiss you and undress herself.

Her hair is soft and fluffy, the opposite of what it looks.

You relish in the feeling of her feather-like strands of hair flowing through your fingers.

Lydia flings her shirt off somewhere in the room, moving to your top.

She pulls her mouth away from yours for a moment to softly ask, "Is it okay if know, undress you?".

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