It's time

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By now, Lydia is 36 weeks along.

And the twins were due any day now.

You had been staying by her side at all hours of the day and all times of the night.

And today was just the same.

You are curled up on the bed beside your loving soon-to-be wife.

But all of the sudden something changes.

You feel Lydia's body tense against yours and you hear her emit a small gasp.

You quickly sit up, "What's wrong, Lyds?".

But you quickly see the problem.

There is fluid spreading across the bedsheets beneath her.

Her water had broken.

It was time.

"O-Okay, it okay if I pick you up?" you ask, jumping off the bed and standing up beside her.

She grits her teeth in pain for a moment before nodding, "Take me to the hospital, Y/N...please.".

"Of course, just hold on!" you reply, snaking your hands beneath her to lift her into your arms.

She wraps one arm around your neck while placing the other on her stomach as you walk out of the bedroom.

You carefully hurry down the stairs before rushing out of the front door.

You make your way to her car, placing her in the passengers seat and swinging yourself into the driver's seat.

Quickly, you start the car before driving off towards the nearest hospital.

As you do, you hear Lydia's gentle groans as she shifts over and over again in her seat.

"It'll be okay, Lydi. I promise, just hang in there for a little bit longer and we'll be there, I promise!" you encourage as you speed the car up a little.

Luckily enough, there's not much traffic.

Lydia gasps sharply in pain every couple seconds.

But soon enough, you make it to the hospital.

And it seems as if life is on your side for the moment as it looks like the hospital isn't busy.

You park before rushing out of the car and helping Lydia out.

You lift her into your arms once again, hurrying inside of the place.

You check in as fast as you can, and soon, a doctor arrives to take her away.

But, they allow you to come with her.

They lay her down onto a hospital bed before wheeling her down the hall with you hanging onto the side of it, whispering to Lydia the whole way there.

You run alongside the doctors and nurses as they take her into the delivery room.

"Now, just sit with her, Ma'am and we will allow you to stay." says one of the doctors.

You nod, standing by her side as she shifts in the hospital bed.

"Lydia! Lydia can you hear me?" you ask as the nurses rapidly take her blood pressure and vitals.

She sucks in a breath before looking up at you, "Yeah, I'm here," she says, gently squeezing the hand that is holding hers.

You sigh, rubbing your thumb against her palm.

"Okay, we're at the hospital, alright? They're going to take good care of you and the babies, okay? I promise," you assure her as the doctors slide an IV into her arm.

Lydia Deetz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now