Mein Führer......

542 19 13


The JU-52 flew through the air

Otto felt a strange sense of sinister energy seeming to pulsate in the air

Like something unnatural is occurring.

The JU-52 continued to fly through the night,

Illuminated by the fires of burning German cities


The JU-52 landed about an hour later.

Otto was escorted of by yet even more SS guards,

There was nothing wrong with that,

But something felt off, nevertheless.

The Wolf's lair was the personal headquarters of Adolf Hitler, Germany's Führer,

located in in the woods of Poland,

He wasn't in Poland.....

He asked a question to the Obersturmbannfuhrer,

"I thought the Wolf's Lair was in Poland?"

"Was, now it's located here," the Obersturmbannfuhrer replied

Hmn... strange.

"Where is here?" He asked

"That is disclosed information" the Obersturmbannfuhrer said

The SS guards let him into the large bunker complex,

he must've had ten guards with him,

All held ceremonial Kar98K rifles with bayonets.

The bunker was decorated with SS imagery everywhere,

Runes, Roundels, and just about any National Socialist imagery anywhere.

The atmosphere was tense, and sinister.

Giant ornate decorations and banners yielded massive Swastikas.

Pictures of numerous officials like Heinrich Himmler, the leader of the SS dominated large sections of the wall,

guards patrolled the hallways,

They all had polished helmets and red armbands with yet more Swastikas.

He had gathered the strength to walk, he had medicines injected into him on the long five-hour flight.

His polished black boots clacked on the marble floor, which was covered by massive red rugs,

The rugs were completely spotless.

It was way more grandiose and ornate than any bunker or concrete structure he'd ever heard of.

It really felt like entering a dictator's palace


The Obersturmfuhrer and the rest of his party walked through the hallways

One of the guards placed his hand on a mahogany wood door,

"The Führer awaits you Obersturmfuhrer, please, no one else enter," the guard said

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