Chapter 117

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"I'll find a new place
to be from."

"What do you mean we have no cell service!" Liberty squeaked, voice tightening in fear. She had tried to pay no attention to Stiles' rambling about smallpox, but had really started to panic when she found out they had no cell service. Why did Blair think they were safer here? In a town that apparently was becoming the new hot spot for diseases that would kill them all? Not to mention the fact that they hadn't been here for even a day!

"They would have shut off any access to all outside communication by now. No cell service, no WiFi. No one starting a panic. Looks like we're all just going to have to wait and see what happens," Simon explained without a care in the world, flipping onto the next page of his book.

The lights in the room flickered, turning on and off rapidly. Liberty looked around wildly, trying to find the culprit, even though she knew damn well it was her own doing. She always had control of her magic, barely ever loosing it. Even when she was anxious, she was able to hold it together. That was what it meant when you were born a witch; it was ten times easier to control your magic, given that you were usually compassionate and patient. There was something different today, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

On the slightly brighter side of things, at least she had sent Blair and Nathan both a message, asking could her older sister collect her. Even if the woman didn't have her phone on, she would hopefully see the cry for help soon enough.

"Stop doing that," Max whispered quietly, not scolding her but trying to reassure her that they would be okay, despite freaking out on the inside. This was honestly his worst nightmare. If he wasn't going to die of this unknown disease, he would die from an emotional overload that would send him off the rails. It was natural that everyone in the building were anxious, but god it was killing him.

The three 'outcasts' per say, were sitting silently next to a radiator. Now, maybe outcasts wasn't the right word, but they were definitely outsiders, there was no doubt about it. Lilith supposed it was because the pack never fully forgave them for working with the alpha pack, but it was also probably because of her being friends with Jade. It didn't do her any favours, to put it simply. Liberty was the new girl—not to mention that she was quite hostile, like a wild cat that would attack you if you went too close. Max was more on the outskirts, peeking through a window. Being Jade's brother definitely docked him some points, but because he hadn't shown any signs of wanting to murder anybody yet, he was in the clear for now.

Malia and Kira had been called out to get their bloods taken, a mandatory precaution that sooner or later in the day everyone would be forced to do.

Max and Lilith had time to stir over their thoughts in the quietness, eventually resorting to their favourite way to pass time; eavesdropping. There was some crazy theories people were coming up with— one involving how it was the end of the world and all of the infected people were being saved, while the others who were healthy were bound to be abducted by UFO's soon. It was safe to say that the person who had made up that one was deeply into conspiracy theories.

They weren't sure how long they had been gossiping for, but Mr Yukimura had made an appearance, subtly asking for the supernatural teenagers to follow him.

"That means you too, Lib," Max gestured his head towards the door that Mr Yukimura was holding open for them. The girl obviously hadn't realised the invitation extended to her too, or maybe she just didn't want to participate. It was very clear that she didn't want to be here and he could make a good guess that she was only doing it on Blair's behalf. Whatever her issue was, it was understandable. Yet it seemed like the Lawless family would be hanging around for a while, so she would eventually have to get used to it. Besides, she looked like she could use a friend or two.

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