Chapter 13

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                            "Bury a friend."

After searching the whole crowd for Scott, they still hadn't been able to find him. "I think we should split up. We'll get more ground covered," Max observed.

They nodded and headed off in different directions. Jade went to look inside of the school, Max checked the parking lot and the lacrosse field again and Stiles went to the locker room.

Jade headed through the hallways. They were mostly empty, apart from a few straggling students walking, most of them lacrosse players. They left through the exit, and their voices became fainter the further away they walked. Running her arm along the set of lockers, she was lost in thought.

Her phone beeped, the noise echoing in the quiet hallways. Her heart rate quickened in surprise, as she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

Yoda: Found Scott, locker rooms.

Turning in the opposite direction, she walked to where Stiles had told her they were. A dull throbbing in her head distracted her from thinking about much else. Reaching into her handbag, she went to grab her bottle of painkillers, feeling around for the white capped container.

Nothing there.

Groaning, she remembered taking them out and leaving them on her desk back at home. Why, on the day she actually needed painkillers, didn't she have any with her? She'd definitely need them with her at all times if she was going to be using her magic this much. Making a mental note to grab them when she got back home, she rounded the corner to the boys locker rooms.

Allison walked out, grinning from ear to ear. Already having an idea what she was so happy about, she raised an amused brow at her friend.

"I'll tell you later," Allison said, giggling on her way past Jade and sending a wave behind her.

Entering the room, she made her way over to her friends. Sitting on a bench beside the lockers, she listened into the conversation that was already happening.

"The medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found. Medical examiner determined killer of girl is animal, not human. Derek human, not animal. Therefore Derek released from prison," Stiles said quickly. Maybe ripping the bandage off would be the best idea.

Max spit his water that he was drinking all over the ground and proceeded to have a coughing fit.

Jade screamed, narrowly missing getting hit with water as she scrambled away from him in disgust. "Seriously!"

"Are you kidding?" Scott asked, mouth hanging open. He closed it quickly, remembering what his mom had always told him; 'if you leave your mouth hanging open for much longer, you'll start catching flies.'

"Nope. And my dad ID'd both halves of the body. Her name was Laura Hale," Stiles continued.


"Derek's sister," Jade said. She had only met Laura a few times when visiting the Hale residence, but the girl had always been nice to her. Occasionally, she would watch over Cora and Jade 'fighting' and make sure they didn't end up killing each other, which to be fair, they probably would have. A younger witch and werewolf who weren't the best at controlling their powers, was definitely a recipe for disaster.

"How'd you know?" Stiles questioned, looking at the blonde.

"Used to see her when I visited the Hales with my mom," she stated quietly. The room was enveloped into silence again, everyone shocked with the news they had just heard. Everyone apart from Max, obviously.

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