Chapter 110

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                          "A job that slowly
                                  kills you."

"How have things been for the enchantress of evil while I've been gone?" Lilith kicked their long legs up onto the picnic table, raising a brow at the blonde who simply shot a glare her way. "I mean, come on! I've been gone for nearly two months and you have no drama? I'm not buying it."

Jade laughed lightly, flapping her aching hand about and dropping the multicolour pen onto her paper. She had English first period, and their teacher had assigned an essay that was worth ten percent of their grade. English was definitely one of her favourite subjects, so she wasn't too worried about the writing that had to be handed in. It had been an interesting start to the day, after her early morning session with Ms Morrell that had made it's way into dangerous territory when Matt became the main topic.

The sun was shining brightly— a rare sight for a January in Beacon Hills— the weather being too warm to stay inside. The twins and Lilith had found a bench outside that they had claimed as their spot, giving them just the right amount of shade and heat to complete homework. Well, they weren't all working on homework; Lilith was more interested in finding potential suitors to date, Max had briefly left to talk to Stiles and Jade was listening to the redhead drone on. And on. And on.

Don't get her wrong, she absolutely loved having Lilith back in the town. It was reassuring to have another friend in her corner, someone who partially understood what she was trying to say; a connection to Allison, too. The only problem was that ever since they had found out about the dead pool— specifically about her being worth one hundred million— Max and the huntress hadn't left her side. She wasn't over exaggerating either; the three teenagers had been glued to the hip and she could barely go to the bathroom for two minutes peace without having someone try to break down the door.

"For the hundredth time today, no drama yet," she smiled softly, pursing her lips and tapping her ring against the table. Getting exiled from her family and friends, having dreams of her best friend or stalker every night and having a girlfriend while pretending she was single, didn't count as drama in her books. Okay, maybe she had a slight problem when it came to letting people know what was going on in her life.

Lilith rested their chin in her hand, leaning forward in amusement. "So, you haven't become the Sirius Black of your family then?" she shrugged, casting a look over their shoulder to Scott, Stiles and Max, who immediately began whispering quickly, acting as if they hadn't been staring over at the pair two seconds prior.

"There's the other team for the scrimmage," Jade pointed out, gesturing to a bus that was pulling up by the double doors, ignoring the sarcastic comment that her friend had quipped. Honestly, she should have expected a comparison to Sirius, given that Lily never shut up about the character.

Players started to unload out of the bus, gym bags slung over their shoulders, helmets in their hands. There was a lacrosse scrimmage later on in the evening, the whole school buzzing with anticipation. It was meant to improve teamwork, especially given that Beacon Hills had nearly an entire new team this year.

"There goes trouble," Lilith swung around to watch what was going on, eyes narrowing carefully while they examined Liam bounding towards the team. Max had filled them in on everything that had happened while she had been in England. They weren't actually surprised that Scott had bitten someone; it was almost inevitable when you were a werewolf, even if you were a true alpha.

Max rushed over to the bench the girls were sat on, slamming his hands down onto the table. He was seriously getting fed up of having to repeat details to two separate groups, all because everyone couldn't get along. It was like Allison and Scott all over again, when Stiles had to be the messenger between the lovers because they were banned from speaking to each other. "Right. Do you remember how the man that delivered the keg to Lydia's house was killed? He was murdered by a lacrosse player— someone from our team."

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