Chapter 52

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                             "I love you."

"Get out of the way!" Max yelled, shoving his sister and Allison. He was just in time, as a familiar blue jeep would have knocked them down five seconds ago.

It sent the kanima flying as Stiles smiled inside the vehicle. "Did I get him?" he asked anxiously. The boy and Lydia both screamed, scrambling out when Jackson jumped onto the roof.

"What are you doing?" Jade hissed as Lydia stood right in front of her ex. Did she have a death wish? She held out a key in her palm as he carefully took it from her. Two figures came up behind Jackson, clawing him through his stomach. "Don't!" Jade yelled, but it was too late.

Jackson fell to the floor, choking for air. "Do you... Do you still?"

"I do," Lydia gasped. "I do still love you. I do, I do still love you. I do." She sobbed loudly as Jackson collapsed into her arms. Dead. She lowered him to the floor, his scales fading from his face. Lydia stood up shakily, heading towards the group.

They froze as Jackson stood up, letting out a roar. Okay, maybe he wasn't dead, because dead people didn't do that.

He stared around, a confused look on his face, like he'd just woken up from a dream.

And as Lydia ran up to Jackson, Jade felt as if her whole world had come crashing down, yet again. It sounded selfish, but it couldn't be helped. There was no other way to put it.


"So you really think she's gonna come back to you?" Max asked as Scott, Jade and Stiles got out of the jeep. It was a few days after Jackson's death and resurrection, but everything had seemed to calm down.

"Yeah. I know she is," Scott replied. Him and Allison had broken things off.

The girl was still grieving her mother and needed time to think straight before she got involved with him again. In Max's view, for someone who had just been broken up with, he was pretty optimistic. But that was kinda just... Scott. Happy and always trying to find the good side of things- and people.

"She hasn't even gone yet," Jade laughed, grabbing her lacrosse stick off the ground. Allison and her father were going to France for the summer, hoping to get a break from everything. Who could blame them? They'd been through a lot these last few months, it was no wonder they needed to get away for a while.

"You know what I just realised?" Scott asked as he stood in the goal. "I'm right back where I started."

"What do you mean?" Stiles questioned. Scott seemed to always talk in riddles for some reason.

"I mean no lacrosse, no popularity, no girlfriend. Nothing."

"You still got me! And your cousins," Stiles exclaimed.

"I had you guys before!"

"Yeah, and you still got us. Okay? It's a life fulfilled!"

"And good luck getting rid of us," Max added.


"Are you sure you don't wanna come with us? It's only for a few months and think of all the cute French guys- or girls, or people, whatever- you could date!" Allison exclaimed as Jade laughed at her friend's tactics. She'd been showing the blonde photos of Paris and everything to do with France for the last week, trying to convince her to come with her. She'd asked for Lydia to come too, but she had denied as well.

"I'm sure. Who would look after Fern! She's my child! But when we leave school, we have to go. You, me, Lydia. I'm talking travelling the world; France, Germany, Spain, London, the works," Jade replied. "Oo! Take this with you!" she exclaimed excitedly, throwing a red dress at her friend to pack in her suitcase.

"Definitely. And we'll go to the West End to see some musicals. By the way, what time are you collecting me at tomorrow?" Allison questioned. At this point Jade should have guessed that she'd drag them to the west end. When Lydia was in the hospital after being attacked by Peter, they'd watched a good seventeen musicals. In a week.

"Well, your flight boards at 1pm, so I'll collect you around 11," Jade shrugged. Chris was taking his own car to the airport, but she was taking Allison. They weren't going to see each other for a full three months! They had to have some sort of a goodbye.


"Now, are you sure you've got everything you need?" Jade sipped her coffee. Airport coffee was severely underrated and it pained her to hear her best friend talk bad about it. The airport was surprisingly quiet as they waited for Allison's flight. "Cash, phone, earphones, books?"

"Check, check, check and check," the brunette replied. They were quiet for a minute, simply enjoying each other's company. It was gonna be lonely when she was gone. They were a trio! Jade, Lydia and Allison, not just two of them.

"That's my boarding call," she sighed, standing up as the woman announced it over the intercom. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Don't go all soppy on me now Alli," Jade laughed, enveloping the girl in a tight hug. They held onto each other for a while, simply wondering how they had ended up here. From first meeting each other, to both becoming involved in the supernatural world, to Allison going to France. It seemed as if time went too quickly. There was no pause button; you just had to move forward.

They let go of each other, tears threatening to spill down their faces. "I'll ring you every single day, try and get Lyds to come down to you too. I'll also bring back some croissants because you always raid my house for them. And I'll bring back some daggers for you and Max. Try not to get yourself killed, please, because you don't have your amazing huntress friend to save your ass," they laughed.

"Thank you. For everything. Especially for being there after I've done a lot of bad things, because I know they weren't good. Just... thank you," the brunette whispered.

Many more tears and hugs later, and the Argents were boarding their plane. Jade was making her way to her car, sighing. Her phone beeped, a few messages coming through at a time.

Alli <33: Oh! Don't forget to record strictly for a marathon when I'm back! And have a banana smoothie for me! Je t'aime xx

Lyds <33: Hey, I wanna say I'm sorry for being so blunt the other day, it sounded quite mean. Meet at the smoothie bar in an hour?  :) x

Maybe it would be okay. Maybe she didn't even have to do anything. Maybe everything would just work itself out. That's what she hoped, anyway.

She smiled softly as she could hear a plane. Eventually, it came into view, shooting up into the sky.

"Je t'aime."


And so that's the end of act 2!

I'm not sure how I feel about this ending bc I didn't really know how I wanted to end it, so this is just what I done 😭

Alli and Jade >>>> you

Je t'aime - love you

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